Influences of double-track shield tunnel construction on settlements of adjacent ground and buildings in a soft soil area
研究盾构隧道施工对周围地面以及建筑物沉降造成的影响,是软土地区盾构隧道安全施工和正常运营的基础课题。为了分析宁波轨道交通5号线同德路站—石碶站区间双线盾构隧道施工对周边地表和建筑物的影响,本文在建立盾构隧道动态施工过程三维有限元模型的基础上,基于地表以及建筑物沉降数值模拟结果与现场监测值的对比,分析了隧道开挖对隧道周围地表沉降与建筑物沉降的影响。结果表明,掘进完成时,开挖方向沉降槽往上行线隧道方向偏移、呈现倒梯形形态,横断面影响区域为距离双线隧道轴线中心小于3倍隧道直径;上行线在下行线开挖后并不会增加地表沉降,但增大了沉降槽宽度;下行线到达前产生的沉降占最终累计沉降的67%;当盾构掘进面刚到达建筑物时、建筑物的倾斜方向与盾构掘进方向一致,当盾构掘进面离开建筑物时、建筑物将沿着盾构掘进的反方向倾斜;建筑物两侧沉降值较中部沉降值降低了83%;双线贯通后建筑物沉降呈“U”形分布,最大沉降量发生在远离隧道一侧距建筑物中心0.5 m处。
Abstract:The influence of the shield tunnel construction on the adjacent grounds and buildings is a fundamental issue for the safe construction and regular service of the shield tunnel in the soft soil area. In order to investigate the influences of the double-track shield tunnel construction between the Tongde Road Station and the Shiqi Station of the Ningbo Metro Line 5 on the adjacent grounds and buildings, a dynamic 3D finite element model of shield tunneling is established. After comparing the simulated and monitered settlements of the ground surface and adjacent building, the influences of the tunnel construction on the adjacent ground surface and building are thereafter explored. The results show that when the excavation is completed, the subsidence tank deviates from the direction of the upward tunnel with an inverted trapezoidal shape, and the final cross-sectional influence area is less than 3 times the tunnel diameter from the center of the double-track tunnel axis. After the excavation of the ascending line, the surface settlement does not increase, but the width of the settlement groove increases. The settlement generated before the arrival of the downstream line accounts for 67% of the final cumulative settlement. The building inclines along the direction of shield tunneling as the shield reaches the building, while the building inclines along the opposite direction of shield tunneling as the shield leaves the building. The settlements at both sides of the building are reduced by 83%, compared with those at the middle part. After the two lines are connected, the settlements of the building shows a "U" shape distribution, and the maximum settlement occurring at the middle building is 0.5 m from the tunnel.
Key words:
- shield tunnel /
- finite element model /
- ground surface settlement /
- building settlement
表 1 同-石区间隧道影响范围内的土层物理力学性质参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of soil layers in the affected area of the Tong-Shi tunnel
MPa泊松比 ①1b素填土 2.00 8.00 15.00 8.0 0.33 ①2黏土 1.94 20.90 14.60 9.9 0.32 ①3b淤泥质黏土 1.74 11.20 11.20 23.4 0.36 ②2b淤泥质黏土 1.73 11.04 10.47 9.0 0.38 ⑤1a黏土 1.93 37.41 14.34 18.6 0.31 ⑤1b粉质黏土 1.91 29.30 13.40 17.0 0.31 ⑤1T砂质粉土 1.93 3.00 30.20 40.0 0.24 ⑤4a黏土 1.88 22.90 11.40 26.4 0.32 ⑥1黏土 1.93 42.70 14.30 35.5 0.31 ⑥4a粉砂 2.02 3.50 31.20 34.4 0.30 ⑦1黏土 1.94 37.60 15.37 31.5 0.32 表 2 同-石区间隧道材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of the Tong-shi tunnel
材料类型 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 衬砌管片 2.50 34500 0.33 注浆层 1.80 1 0.42 盾壳 7.85 206000 0.22 表 3 计算工况
Table 3. Calculation conditions
工况 β 盾构机到达监测点 下行线盾构机工作进程 一 - - 盾构机开始工作 二 0.0 JC11-12 盾构到达建筑物边缘 三 0.5 JC11-7 盾构到达建筑物中部 四 1.0 JC12-3 盾构离开建筑物 -
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