Deformation characteristics of deep foundation pit with suspended waterproof curtain during excavation
降水条件对基坑开挖的变形特性具有重要影响。为了研究悬挂式止水帷幕结合承压非完整井组成的墙井系统条件下基坑开挖过程中的变形问题,以某悬挂式止水帷幕深基坑为例,通过定义降水井和地表渗流边界条件建立了考虑分级降水和基坑开挖实际工况的三维流固耦合有限元数值分析模型,使用现场监测数据与数值模拟结果互相验证的方法研究了悬挂式止水帷幕情况下基坑开挖过程中地下连续墙变形和地表沉降的变化特征,对比分析了悬挂式止水帷幕和落底式止水帷幕条件下的地表沉降。结果表明:在不同分级降水情况下,降水深度初次达到场地第一承压水含水层降水期间产生的地下连续墙水平位移增量最大,地表沉降也主要在这一期间产生;悬挂式止水帷幕情况下的地表沉降最大值约为落底式止水帷幕的2.7倍,最大值位置距地下连续墙边缘的距离比落底式止水帷幕大0.85 m;地下连续墙水平位移峰值处,降水期间产生的位移占28%,地表沉降峰值处,降水期间产生的沉降占49%;使用悬挂式止水帷幕时,距地下连续墙边缘12倍开挖深度处,地表沉降与地表沉降峰值的比值为0.1、该距离比落底式止水帷幕大13 m左右。研究成果对确定深基坑降水方案、保证深基坑开挖施工安全具有一定的参考价值。
Abstract:Dewatering conditions have an important influence on the deformation characteristics of foundation pit excavation. In order to study the deformation problem during foundation pit excavation under the condition of a wall-well system consisting of suspended waterproof curtain combined with confined partially penetrating well, this study takes a deep foundation pit with suspended waterproof curtain as an example, uses the finite element numerical analysis to establish a 3D fluid-solid interaction model, and takes into account the actual working conditions of graded dewatering during the pit excavation by defining the seepage boundary conditions of the dewatering well and the surface. The monitoring data and simulation results are combined to explore the variation features of underground diaphragm wall deformation and surface settlement with suspended waterproof curtain, and the surface settlement under the conditions of suspended waterproof curtain and drop waterproof curtain is further compared and analyzed. The results show that in dewatering process of the foundation pit at all levels, the horizontal displacement increment of the underground diaphragm wall is the greatest with the most of the surface subsidence as the dewatering depth reaches the first confined aquifer. The maximum surface settlement generated by foundation pit with suspended waterproof curtain is about 2.7 times that with drop waterproof curtain, with the greater 0.8 m of the maximum surface settlement location. At the peak of horizontal displacement of underground diaphragm wall, the displacement during dewatering accounts for 28%, and at the peak of surface settlement, the settlement during dewatering accounts for 49%. When the suspended waterproof curtain is used at 12 times the excavation depth from the edge of the diaphragm wall, the ratio of surface settlement to the peak of surface settlement is 0.1, which is about 13 m greater than that of the drop waterproof curtain. The research results are of a reference value for determining the deep foundation pit dewatering scheme and ensuring the safety of deep foundation pit excavation construction.
表 1 研究区土层性质
Table 1. Characteristics of the soil layers in the study area
土层特征 土层名称 含水层名称 厚度/m ①3 素填土 潜水层 2.63 ③2 粉质黏土 弱透水层 4.30 ④1 粉质黏土 弱透水层 4.50 ④2 粉砂夹粉土 承压水层 6.30 ⑤1 粉质黏土夹粉砂 弱透水层 6.20 ⑤2 粉砂夹粉质黏土 承压水层 5.40 ⑦1 粉质黏土 弱透水层 5.67 表 2 各土层物理力学性质参数
Table 2. Physical and mechanical parameters of the soil layers
各土层性质 ρ/(g∙cm−3) λ Μ e1 κ KV/(m∙d−1) KH/(m∙d−1) υ ①3 1.90 0.077 0 0.570 0.811 0.009 0 3.89×10−3 5.84×10−3 0.33 ③2 1.94 0.055 3 0.979 0.822 0.006 5 5.62×10−3 8.43×10−3 0.33 ④1 1.89 0.044 5 0.979 0.696 0.005 2 8.21×10−3 1.23×10−2 0.33 ④2 1.91 0.029 3 1.202 0.640 0.003 4 1.73 2.60 0.23 ⑤1 1.89 0.032 0 0.900 0.611 0.003 7 5.18×10−2 7.77×10−2 0.33 ⑤2 1.94 0.019 1 1.382 0.585 0.002 2 2.59 3.89 0.23 ⑦1 1.90 0.030 5 0.900 0.676 0.003 5 5.00×10−3 7.50×10-3 0.38 注:ρ为密度;λ为土体压缩指数;Μ为土体应力比;e1为压力为1 kPa时土体的孔隙比;κ为土体回弹指数;KV为土体竖直渗透系数; KH为土体水平渗透系数;υ为泊松比。 表 3 围护结构及降水井材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of the retaining structure and dewatering well
参数 ρ/(g∙cm−3) E/MPa υ 地下连续墙 2.42 31 500 0.20 混凝土支撑 2.36 30 000 0.20 钢支撑 7.85 200 000 0.20 降水井 7.85 210 000 0.20 注:E为弹性模量。 -
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