Analysis method for relaxation effect of prestressed anchor cable tension based on a series rheological model
Abstract:Anchor cable tension relaxation with time is a typical problem in the prestressed anchor cable structure used to reinforce slopes. In order to reasonably predict the tension relaxation of anchor cable, based on the interaction among the stable layer, anchor cable, slide mass and constraint components on the slope face in the anchor cable-slope system and the basic loading and deformation mechanism of the anchorage system, a four-body series rheological model composed of anchor cable, slide bed, slide body, and constraint components is established, in which the anchor cable and constraint components are simulated with Hooke body, the slide mass is simulated with Kelvin body or generalized Kelvin body, and the stable layer is simulated with generalized Kelvin body. The calculation equation of the anchor cable tension relaxation is accordingly derived. Some examples show that the error between the proposed value of cable tension relaxation and the observed results is smaller than those using the existing calculation methods. The maximum error of cable tension relaxation convergence value using the proposed method is about 11%, and the maximum error of the relaxation duration is about 10%. The relaxation rate of the anchor cable tension increases linearly with the diameter and elastic modulus of the anchor cable, and decreases nonlinearly with the increasing anchor hole spacing, the hysteresis elastic modulus and the viscosity coefficient (particularly in the initial stage) of the stable layer and slide mass. The instantaneous elastic modulus of the stable layer and the slide mass as well as the elastic modulus of the constraint components have little effect on the tension relaxation of the anchor cable. The proposed method can be used to quantitatively evaluate the anchor tension relaxation of slopes reinforced with prestressed anchor cables in practical engineering, which naturally allows to analyze the long-term stability of the anchored slopes.
Key words:
- slope /
- prestressed anchor cable /
- anchor tension /
- relaxation effect /
- series rheological model
图 3 模型布置示意图(单位:cm)[10]
Figure 3.
图 5 现场多点位移计布设示意图[15]
Figure 5.
表 1 模型岩体的流变参数
Table 1. Rheological parameters of model rock mass
组号 Ek/MPa η/(MPa∙h−1) 2 9.187 582.101 3 9.340 597.862 平均值 9.264 589.982 表 2 锚索拉力松弛历时及本法计算误差
Table 2. Relaxation duration of anchor tension and proposed calculation errors
锚索编号 锚拉力初始值/kN 松弛历时/d 确定方法 本法误差/% 2# 0.054 5.1 试验值 9.8 5.6 本文值 3# 0.083 5.2 试验值 9.6 5.7 本文值 2-4-A 600 52 试验值 7.7 56 本文值 2-4-B 600 50 试验值 8.0 54 本文值 BZ16-23 850 62 试验值 3.2 60 本文值 -
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