Simulation of surface water - groundwater interaction in the plain area of the Poyang Lake considering the change of water body area
湖泊的水情变化会影响其与地下水之间的物理水文过程和生态行为,鄱阳湖独特的“河湖相”转换特征使得该地区地表-地下水交换过程更加复杂。采用Visual MODFLOW构建三维非稳定流地下水流数值模型,利用LAK3子程序模块,通过输入五河入湖以及鄱阳湖流入长江的水量,实现湖水面积的动态模拟。结果表明,2019年湖水位模拟值与实测值的均方根误差为0.225 m,地下水水位模拟值与实测值的均方根误差为0.571 m;模型模拟鄱阳湖水面积环比变幅−41%~83%,与遥感影像结论吻合。该模型减少了湖泊作为边界条件的约束,可以有效刻画鄱阳湖频繁变化的湖水位和水体面积,准确模拟地下水流场和地表-地下水相互作用关系对湖泊水体高度动态变化的响应。枯水期主要由地下水补给湖水,交换量为2.03×107~10.58×107 m3/mon;丰水期湖水补给地下水,交换量为2.04×107~16.53×107 m3/mon,湖区及周边地下水水位相比枯水期平均抬升2~3 m,地下水由湖区流向周边地区。本研究为地表水体剧烈变化地区提供了有效的数值模拟方法,研究结果可为鄱阳湖平原区未来水资源管理和环境评价提供基础。
- 鄱阳湖 /
- 湖水-地下水转换关系 /
- 数值模型 /
- LAK3 /
- 水体面积变化
Abstract:Water changing conditions of a lake will affect the physical and hydrological conditions and ecology of the lake and groundwater. The unique "river-lake phase" transition of the Poyang Lake complicates the surface water-groundwater exchange process in the area. Therefore, this study uses Visual MODFLOW to build a 3D numerical model of groundwater transient flow and uses the LAK3 module to realize the dynamic simulation of the lake water area by inputting the runoff from five rivers into the lake and the Poyang Lake into the Yangtze River. The RMSE between the simulated and measured values of lake water level is 0.225 m, and between the simulated and measured values of groundwater level is 0.571 m. The month-on-month ratio variation of the Poyang Lake area simulated by the model ranges from −41% to 83%, consistent with the remote sensing images. This model reduces the constraint of lakes as boundary conditions, can effectively depict the frequently-changing water level and lake area, and accurately simulate the response of groundwater flow field and surface water-groundwater interaction relationship to the height dynamics of lake water. During the dry season, the lake is mainly recharged by groundwater, with an exchange flux ranging from 2.03×107 to 10.58×107 m3/mon. During the wet season, the lake water discharges into groundwater with an exchange flux ranging from 2.04×107 to 16.53×107 m3/mon, with the average groundwater level rise in the lake region and surrounding areas by 2~3 m compared to the dry season. The groundwater flows from the lake region to the surrounding areas. This study contributes an effective numerical simulation method for areas with dramatic changes in surface water bodies. The results can provide a basis for future water resources management and environmental assessment in the Poyang Lake Plain.
表 1 研究区各分区渗透系数取值
Table 1. The hydraulic conductivity values in each subdomain of the study area
/ (m·d−1) 参数区编号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ 第1~3层渗透系数 0.1 5 15 20 35 15 25 5 第4层渗透系数 10 10 20 25 35 20 25 15 -
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