A study of the capillary rise characteristics of LNAPL based on the vertical pipes method
Abstract:The pollution caused by light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) and its derivatives, known as "industrial blood", in the process of mining, production and transportation, has become a common pollutant. At present, many researchers have carried out extensive researches on LNAPL pollution, but the researches on the migration and hairiness of LNAPL in soil is still insufficient. The purpose of this test is to study and analyze the capillary rise law of LNAPL in different media under different standpipe diameters through indoor simulation tests, so as to provide a certain theoretical basis for studying the groundwater pollution caused by LNAPL. The results show that the factors influencing the height of capillary rise are, in order, the solution > medium> vertical tube diameter. The diameter of the vertical tube is not completely proportional to the maximum capillary rise height, and the influence on the capillary rise height is relatively small. The capillary rise height and capillary rise rate of water and diesel in different media are basically the same, but there are differences in specific values. The maximum capillary rise height of diesel is 40%−50% lower than that of water, and the maximum capillary rise rate of diesel is 30%−50% lower than that of water. The average particle size of sand is inversely proportional to the capillary rise height and rate. These characteristics can better reflect the capillary rise law of LNAPL in different media, which are of important significance to understand the pollution of LNAPL to groundwater and the remediation of contaminated lands.
Key words:
- vertical pipe diameter /
- capillary rise height /
- capillary rise rate
表 1 试验砂样颗粒级配
Table 1. Particle gradation of the experimental sand samples
试样 不均匀系数 曲率系数 平均粒径/mm 质量占比/% 0.5~2.0 0.25~<0.5 0.075~<0.25 0.005~<0.075 <0.005 粉砂 1.89 0.87 0.131 94.4 3 2.6 细砂 30.67 4.78 0.205 17.5 26.2 38.1 12.9 5.3 粗砂 5.37 1.16 0.610 58.3 24.7 15.3 1.2 0.5 注:表中空白表示无此项。 表 2 毛细上升试验方案
Table 2. Capillary rise test schemes
试验编号 介质 竖管直径/cm 溶液 试验编号 介质 竖管直径/cm 溶液 1# 粉砂 1.6 水 10# 细砂 3.0 柴油 2# 粉砂 1.6 柴油 11# 细砂 5.0 水 3# 粉砂 3.0 水 12# 细砂 5.0 柴油 4# 粉砂 3.0 柴油 13# 粗砂 1.6 水 5# 粉砂 5.0 水 14# 粗砂 1.6 柴油 6# 粉砂 5.0 柴油 15# 粗砂 3.0 水 7# 细砂 1.6 水 16# 粗砂 3.0 柴油 8# 细砂 1.6 柴油 17# 粗砂 5.0 水 9# 细砂 3.0 水 18# 粗砂 5.0 柴油 表 3 极差分析结果
Table 3. Range analysis results
因素 类别 Kavg/cm R/cm d R′/cm 竖管直径 1.6 cm 36.92 2.23 0.52 2.84 3.0 cm 39.15 5.0 cm 38.18 介质 粉砂 48.48 21.10 0.52 26.88 细砂 38.38 粗砂 27.38 溶液 水 48.26 20.35 0.71 43.55 柴油 27.91 注:Kavg为某因素某水平最大毛细上升高度试验数据的平均值;R为指某因素条件下最大毛细上升高度的极差,该值等于某因素时Kavg最大值减去Kavg最小值;d为折算系数;R′为折算后的极差。 表 4 毛细上升高度与时间关系拟合参数
Table 4. Fitting parameters of the relationship between capillary rise height and time
直径/cm系数 水 柴油 粉砂 细砂 粗砂 粉砂 细砂 粗砂 1.6 a 28.855 23.649 19.239 13.085 13.067 10.571 b 6.672 5.919 2.863 4.570 3.726 1.939 $ {R}^{2} $ 0.996 0.990 0.985 0.996 0.995 0.977 3.0 a 31.446 26.440 20.339 15.143 11.408 10.181 b 7.155 5.938 2.888 4.374 3.480 2.438 $ {R}^{2} $ 0.994 0.991 0.918 0.990 0.994 0.997 5.0 a 29.673 25.220 21.058 13.315 12.536 10.295 b 6.466 6.300 3.045 3.454 3.692 2.287 $ {R}^{2} $ 0.990 0.992 0.969 0.996 0.989 0.998 -
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