Research on in-situ test of lake evaporation in the Baiyangdian Lake
在生态环境脆弱和水资源短缺的雄安新区白洋淀,湖泊水面蒸发是其地表水主要排泄方式之一,研究湖泊蒸发对认识湖泊水循环、生态需水量评价及湖泊生态功能恢复等方面有重要现实意义和科学价值。然而白洋淀湖泊内蒸发实测资料有限,一般采用邻近陆地观测站数据折算或经验模型法估算其蒸发量,计算误差较大,不能准确描述白洋淀湖泊蒸发量。研究在白洋淀湖泊开展原位试验,在湖泊中心位置建立E601蒸发站和20 m2蒸发池观测蒸发量,并建立自动气象站同时监测气象数据,利用E601蒸发站和气象站数据使用相关分析和多元线性回归模型方法分析了蒸发与各气象因素之间的相关性,并将E601蒸发站观测数据与20 m2蒸发池观测数据及数值模拟结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,夏季白洋淀湖泊水面蒸发量日变化较剧烈,变化范围在0.4~6.6 mm/d,6月蒸发量最大,7—8月随降水增多蒸发量有所下降。夏季湖泊水面蒸发受太阳辐射和湿度 2 种因素影响较大。以20 m2蒸发池蒸发量作为湖泊水面蒸发量,观测期内E601蒸发站观测蒸发量高于湖泊水面实际蒸发量,通过当地蒸发折算系数折算后可更准确估算湖泊蒸发量。试验获得白洋淀湖泊内20 m2蒸发池与E601蒸发站蒸发折算系数约为0.98,较前人研究略偏大。研究结果可为白洋淀地区水面蒸发量计算提供基础依据。
Abstract:The Baiyangdian Lake is located in Xiongan New Area, which has a fragile ecological environment and a shortage of water resources. Lake evaporation is one of the main discharge of the Baiyangdian Lake, and research on lake evaporation is of important practical significance and scientific value for understanding lake water circulation and evaluating ecological water demand and for recovery of lake ecological function. However, the actual observed data on evaporation in the Baiyangdian Lake is limited, so it is usually estimated by converting the data of nearby land observation stations or empirical models, which cannot accurately estimate the lake evaporation because of large calculation error. In this work, in-situ experiments were carried out in the Baiyangdian Lake. This study established an E601 evaporation station and a 20 m2 evaporation pool to observe the lake evaporation at the center of the Baiyangdian Lake, and an automatic weather station was established simultaneously to get meteorological data. The correlation between evaporation by E601 evaporation station and meteorological factors is analyzed by methods of correlation analysis and multiple linear regression model. The evaporation of the E601 evaporation station is compared with the data of the 20 m2 evaporation pool and the simulated evaporation. The results indicate that in the Baiyangdian Lake in summer, the diurnal variation of lake evaporation is intense, ranging from 0.4 mm/d to 6.6 mm/d, and the maximum evaporation occurs in June, but decreases with the increasing rainfall from July to August. Evaporation of lake water is more affected by radiation and humidity. The evaporation of 20 m2 evaporation pool is taken as the evaporation of lake water. The observed evaporation of E601 evaporation station is higher than the actual evaporation of Baiyangdian Lake, which can be used to estimate lake evaporation more accurately by local evaporation conversion coefficient. In this experiment, the evaporation conversion coefficient between the 20 m2 evaporation pool and the E601 evaporation station is about 0.98, which is slightly greater than the previous studies. The results of this study provides a basic basis for the calculation of water surface evaporation in the Baiyangdian area.
Key words:
- lake evaporation /
- in-situ test /
- E601 evaporation station /
- 20 m2 evaporation pool /
- Baiyangdian Lake
表 1 气象站和E601蒸发站传感器主要参数指标
Table 1. Main parameter index of the weather station and E601 evaporation station
技术参数 测量范围 分辨率 准确度 空气温度/°C −50~100 0.1 ±0.5 空气湿度/%RH 0~100 0.1 ±5 降水量/(mm·min−1) 0~4 0.2 ±4% 风速/(m·s−1) 0~70 0.1 ±(0.3+0.03V) 风向 0~360 1 ±3 总辐射/(W·m−2) 0~2000 1 ≤5% 蒸发量/mm 0~1000 0.1 ±0.5% 注:表中“V”为风速。 表 2 E601蒸发站、20 m2蒸发池蒸发结果统计
Table 2. Evaporation of the E601 evaporation station and 20 m2 evaporation pool
82 d 观测数据 总蒸发量
/(mm·d−1)折算系数 E601蒸发站 266.7 3.25 0.98 20 m2蒸发池 260.2 3.17 -
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