Study on the method of estimating the volume of fragmental rockfall based on image recognition
西南山区碎裂岩崩灾害频发,为了准确模拟岩崩运动过程,量化岩崩风险大小,必须明确崩塌体体积,但目前尚无一种有效且可靠的碎裂岩崩体积估算方法。基于此,提出一种基于图像识别技术的碎裂岩崩体积精细估算方法,并以2020年雅西高速石棉姚河坝崩塌为例进行应用与验证。通过现场实测与无人机贴近摄影测量方法,确定岩崩堆积区分区及采样区;利用图像处理开源软件(ImagePy),建立块体快速识别步骤,提取块体等效粒径、周长和面积等特征参数;构建基于块体体积分布的碎裂岩崩体积估算方法;以岩崩实例进行方法应用与验证。研究结果表明:(1) ImagePy软件对块体图像识别速度快、精度高;(2)获取的块体体积分布曲线与现场实测体积分布规律近一致;(3)姚河坝岩崩体积估算值占三维点云数据差分法获取体积近80%。综上,利用图像识别技术进行碎裂岩崩块体体积提取与体积估算的方法是可行的,并具有高效率与准确性优势,可应用于碎裂岩崩灾害快速评估与风险量化评价,统计的块体体积分布可为碎裂研究提供数据支撑。
Abstract:There are frequent cataclastic rockfall disasters in southwest mountainous areas. To accurately simulate the process of rockfall movement and quantify the risk of rockfall, it must first determine the volume of rockfall. However, to date, there is no effective and reliable method to estimate the volume of rockfall. This study constructed an effective method of estimating cataclastic rock rockfall volume based on image recognition. The application and verification of this method was conducted at the rockfall of Yaohe Dam in Shimian of Yaxi Expressway in 2020. Through in-site measurement and close photogrammetry of UAV, the partition and sampling area of rockfall accumulation area are determined. Using the open-source software of image processing (ImagePy), a quick block identification step is established, and characteristic parameters, such as equivalent particle size, perimeter, and area of blocks, are extracted. The method of estimating the volume of cataclastic rock rockfall based on the volume distribution of blocks was applied and verified by rock rockfall in the field. The results show that: (1) ImagePy software has high speed and accuracy in block image recognition; (2) The obtained distribution curve of rock volume is nearly consistent with that measured in the field; (3) The estimated volume of rock rockfall in Yaohe Dam accounts for nearly 80% of the volume obtained by three-dimensional point-cloud difference method. Thus, it is feasible to use image recognition technology to extract the particle size and estimate the size of cataclastic rock mass, and it has the advantages of high efficiency and accuracy. This method can be applied to rapid assessment of cataclastic rock mass and quantitative risk assessment. Statistical block volume distribution can provide data support for fragmentation research.
Key words:
- rockfall deposits /
- image identification /
- particle size distribution /
- detailed estimate
表 1 块体体积对比结果
Table 1. Comparison of rock block volume
编号 V1/m3 V2/m3 (V1−V2)/m3 [(V1−V2)/V2]/% 1 0.0625 0.0585 0.0040 6.8 2 0.0134 0.0151 −0.0017 11.3 3 0.0203 0.0187 0.0016 8.6 4 0.0402 0.0371 0.0031 8.4 5 0.0112 0.0106 0.0006 5.7 注:V1为图像识别体积;V2为实际测量体积。 -
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