Spatial and temporal evolution of soil water and its response to the environment in the Yangtze River source area under climate change
气候变化下,长江源区生态环境和水文循环出现了显著改变。土壤水是水文循环的重要组成部分,正确认识土壤水时空分布规律及其环境响应机制是深入理解长江源区水文循环和生态环境变化的基础。以地面原位观测数据为基础,利用欧洲航天局最新开发的长时间序列和多传感器组合的全球土壤体积含水量数据集(ESA CCI SM V07.1)揭示了长江源区地表土壤水的时空演化规律,探讨了构造作用和冻土类型对土壤水的影响机制。结果表明:(1)长江源地表土壤体积含水量主要集中在0.15~0.20 m3/m3之间,在6—10月处于全年最高值;(2)在垂向上,由表层到深部土壤体积含水量主要呈现出增大-减小-稳定趋势,深部土壤水相对表层有明显的滞后特征,滞后时间一般为1~2个月;(3)在平面上,地表土壤体积含水量整体呈现东南高,并向西北逐渐递减的趋势。越临近构造断裂带,土壤体积含水量越低,且随深度增加呈现出一定的加剧趋势;(4)多年冻土区的地表土壤体积含水量相比邻近区域的季节性冻土区域高,季节性冻土区的地表土壤体积含水量波动变化幅度小于多年冻土区;(5)近40 a来,地表冻土有逐渐融化趋势,2000年后冻土融化加剧,地表土壤体积含水量增加明显。研究成果对于深入理解长江源区水文循环和生态环境的变化具有重要理论意义,可为长江源区水文循环和水资源管理提供参考依据。
Abstract:Under the impact of climate change, significant changes have taken place in the ecological environment and water cycle of the Yangtze River source area. Soil water is an important component of the hydrological cycle, and a correct understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution patterns and environmental response mechanisms of soil water is the basis for a deeper understanding of the hydrological cycle and ecological environment changes in the Yangtze River source area. It is also of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of the Yangtze River source area. In this paper, based on ground in-situ observation data, combined with the latest long time-series and multi-sensor combined global soil moisture dataset developed by the European Space Agency (ESA CCI SM V07.1), the spatial and temporal evolution of surface soil water in the Yangtze River source area is revealed, and the impact mechanism of structural function and permafrost type on soil water is discussed. The results show that the surface soil moisture in the Yangtze River source area is mainly concentrated between 0.15 and 0.20 m3/m3, with the highest value occurring from June to October. In the vertical direction, the soil moisture content mainly shows an increasing-decreasing-stable trend from the surface to the deep soil layer, and the deep soil water has a significant lag characteristic relative to the surface, with a lag time of generally 1−2 months. In the horizontal direction, the surface soil moisture overall shows a southeast high and northwest gradually decreasing trend. The closer to the structural fault zone, the lower the soil moisture content, and with the increasing depth, it shows a certain aggravating trend. The surface soil moisture content in the permafrost area is higher than that in the neighboring seasonal frozen soil area. The fluctuation range of the surface soil moisture content in the seasonal frozen soil area is smaller than that in the permafrost area. Over the past 40 years, the surface permafrost has shown a trend of gradual melting, and since 2000, the melting of permafrost has intensified, with a significant increase in surface soil moisture content. The results of this study are of great theoretical significance for the in-depth understanding of the hydrological cycle and ecological environment changes in the Yangtze River source area, and can provide a reference basis for the hydrological cycle and water resources management in the Yangtze River source area.
Key words:
- Yangtze River source /
- soil water /
- permafrost /
- remote sensing monitoring /
- environmental response
图 1 长江源区域位置分布图[26]
Figure 1.
表 1 CCI遥感反演数据与实测数据相关性分析
Table 1. Correlation analysis between the CCI remote sensing inversion data and actual measurement data
区域 产品类型 平均值 平均相对误差/% 均方根误差/% 相关系数 案例数 西大滩 被动产品 0.2237 6.21 8.12 0.612** 174 主被动组合产品 0.2311 7.49 10.33 0.634** 157 五道梁 被动产品 0.2460 8.26 7.28 0.555** 256 主被动组合产品 0.2559 7.81 6.17 0.689** 256 沱沱河 被动产品 0.2804 10.03 9.70 0.702** 258 主被动组合产品 0.2393 7.58 9.03 0.725** 280 注: **表示在 0.01 级别(双尾)相关性显著。 表 2 CCI数据校正情况
Table 2. CCI data correction information
区域 校正模型 校正后的
误差/%西大滩 Y=0.3858x+0.0457 0.807** 4.23 5.71 五道梁 Y=0.1157x+0.0883 0.841** 3.11 4.20 沱沱河 Y= 0.4803x−0.0311 0.815** 3.83 6.33 注: **表示在 0.01 级别(双尾)相关性显著。 表 3 不同等级土壤体积含水量面积比值
Table 3. Area ratio of soil water content of different grades
土壤体积含水量/(m3·m−3) <0.1 0.1~<0.15 0.15~<0.20 0.20~0.25 面积占比/% 8.07 13.45 54.26 24.22 表 4 构造断裂影响站点信息
Table 4. Information on sites affected by tectonic rupture
站点编号 位置 距断裂距离/km 冻土类型 QT01 五道梁 0 多年冻土 QT08 五道梁 9.26 多年冻土 ch06 西大滩 0 多年冻土 QT09 西大滩 13.12 多年冻土 -
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