Field load test and bearing characteristics analysis of shaped steel piles in sandy soils
Abstract:The application of steel short piles in practical engineering is restricted due to its unclear bearing mechanism. However, due to advantages such as low cost, high strength, minimal soil displacement, easy construction, and convenient transportation, these piles are widely used in photovoltaic power projects in desert areas. In order to accurately reveal the horizontal and vertical bearing performance of steel piles in desert regions, horizontal load tests for different types of steel piles (including cross-sectional shape, cross-sectional area, and burial depth) and vertical compression and uplift load tests were conducted in a specific sandy site. The study analyzed the influence of parameters such as cross-sectional shape, cross-sectional size, and pile length on the bearing performance of steel piles. Research findings indicate: (1) The horizontal bearing performance of pipe piles and H-shaped steel piles is signifi-cantly better than that of C-shaped steel piles and trough-shaped steel piles. Compared with C-shaped steel piles and trough-shaped steel piles, pipe piles and H-shaped steel piles exhibit advantages in resisting wind loads, with the horizontal bearing performance of H-shaped steel piles closely related to the cross-sectional size and pile length. (2) The vertical bearing capacity of pipe piles and H-shaped steel piles is also significantly better than that of C-shaped steel piles and trough-shaped steel piles. Moreover, the compressive and tensile bearing performance of H-shaped steel piles is positively correlated with cross-sectional size and pile length. When the length of pile is the same, the vertical bearing capacity of H-shaped steel piles is similar to that of pipe piles. (3) The bearing performance of H-shaped steel piles is more prominent compared to other pile types (C-shaped steel piles, trough-shaped, and pipe piles) in sandy soil area. Furthermore, when compared with traditional pipe piles, H-shaped steel piles requires less materials and can create greater economic value, making them an excellent choice for the foundation of desert photovoltaic bracket foundations. The research results in this paper have reference for engineering applications.
Key words:
- desert area /
- photovoltaic support /
- section-steel pile /
- loading test /
- bearing capacity
表 1 试验场区细砂基础物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and mechanical parameters of fine sandy foundation in the experimental site area
参数 含水率
/(g∙cm−3)比重 孔隙比 压缩系数
/(°)取值 5.39 1.80 2.50 0.82 0.25 0 28 表 2 Q355B钢的力学参数
Table 2. Mechanical parameters of Q355B steel
参数 弹性模量/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 屈服强度/MPa 伸长率/% 取值 206 000 600 355 16 表 3 桩基参数
Table 3. Pile foundation parameters
深度/m1# 9# 17# 钢管桩 φ 152×5.5 2.5 1.8 2# 10# 18# H型桩 150×75×5×7 2.5 1.8 3# 11# 19# H型桩 125×60×6×8 2.8 2.1 4# 12# 20# H型桩 125×60×6×8 2.5 1.8 5# 13# 21# H型桩 125×60×6×8 2.2 1.5 6# 14# 22# H型桩 100×45×3×3 2.5 1.8 7# 15# 23# C型桩 100×40×10×3 2.5 1.8 8# 16# 24# 槽型桩 80×43×5×8 2.5 1.8 表 4 仪器设备一览表
Table 4. List of instruments and equipment
设备名称 设备主要参数 加载装置 液压式油泵装置2套 反力装置 5 t混凝土梁3根,钢梁1根 测量装置 位移计4个 应变测量装置 电阻式应变片1 040个,二相电线400 m 应变采集装置 YE2539型高速静态应变测试仪 表 5 1#—8#试桩水平极限荷载
Table 5. 1#—8#Horizontal ultimate load of test pile
试桩编号 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 7# 8# 水平极限荷载/ kN 13 10 12 10 9 9 4 6 -
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