Developing law and disaster modes of geohazards in red bed region of southwestern China: A case study of Yiliang County of Yunnan Province
Abstract:The deformation and destruction of slope in red bed area frequently cause many types and large quantities of geological hazards, resulting in large casualties and property losses. Taking the geological hazards in the red bed area of Yiliang county as the research object, the overall developing laws and characteristics of the geohazards were statistically analyzed based on a detailed field survey of 49 unstable slopes, 150 landslides, and 53 rockfalls. Then, the disaster modes and failure process of slopes under different models of slope srtuctures are carried out systematically. The failure mode of consequent slopes are sliding-cracking modes, the failure mode of transverse slopes are disintegrating and scouring mode, the failure mode of reverse and oblique slopes are soft rock disintegration and peeling-hard rock cracking and falling. The research can provide some technical support and reference for the prevention and management of geological disasters in other red bed areas.
Key words:
- red bed /
- geohazards /
- developing law /
- disaster modes
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