Influence of trees and shrubs on the stability of landslides induced by typhoon rainstorm
Abstract:Under the condition of rainfall, trees and shrubs’ leaves can reduce the slope being washed and anchoring the slope by their roots, which had a positive effect on the slope stability. However, in typhoon rainstorm season, typhoon cracks the ground through swaying vegetation, strengthens the effect of rainfall infiltration, and further reduces the matrix suction and cohesion of soil, to reduce the stability of slope. In order to explore whether trees and shrubs have a positive or negative effect on slope during typhoon rainstorm season, this paper conducted quantitative analysis through indoor model experiment and numerical simulation, comparing the influence of no typhoon, typhoon and typhoon with different intensity on slope stability. It was found that the abrupt change time of pore water pressure curve and water content curve was advanced with the typhoon developing from nothing and becoming stronger from weak. At the same time, the effect of landslide with typhoon coupled rainstorm compared the simple rainfall, the area and volume of landslide damage were larger, and the stronger the typhoon grade was, the larger the area and volume of landslide damage were.Compared the stability coefficient of simulated slope by Geo-Studio numerical simulation software verifying, the initial stability coefficient was the largest and the decline speed was the slowest under the effect of no typhoon, the typhoon was bad and under the strong typhoon condition was the worst.
Key words:
- typhoon rainstorm /
- Anxi County /
- landslide /
- trees /
- landslide identification /
- safety margin
表 1 岩土力学参数
Table 1. The geotechnical mechanical parameters
岩石性质 重度
/(kN·m−1)抗剪强度 渗透系数
/(cm·s−1)泊松比 杨氏模量
/kPa黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 坡积土 18.5 14.5 27.8 1.5×10−4 0.32 5.1×103 残积土 17.7 17.0 26.2 1.01×10−5 0.41 3.2×103 强风化凝灰岩 21.0 35.0 32.0 7.52×10−5 0.28 4.2×104 中风化凝灰岩 23.0 70.0 35.0 − 0.25 1.5×106 表 2 材料参数对比
Table 2. Comparison of material parameters
物理力学参数 原型材料 相似材料 重度/(g·cm−3) 1.77~1.85 1.84 渗透系数/(cm·s−1) 1.01×10−5 ~1.5×10−4 8.5×10−4 黏聚力/kPa 14.5~17.0 4.5 内摩擦角/(°) 26.2~27.8 30.2 表 3 试验工况参数
Table 3. Parameters of experimental conditions
工况 降雨强度
/min植被情况 Ⅰ 60 0 3 45 接骨木 Ⅱ 60 5.6~5.8 3 45 接骨木 Ⅲ 60 7.3~7.6 3 45 接骨木 -
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