Construction and application of natural disaster risk control and emergency rescue management platform: A case study in Zhejiang Province
Abstract:In order to adapt to the in-depth application of information management under the current normal disaster reduction and abnormal disaster relief scenarios, this paper proposes a design scheme of business platform for natural disaster emergency response process. Data exchange method was adopted to realize information sharing among multiple departments; the comprehensive natural disaster database was established to realize unified data source management and real-time update; intelligent mobile terminals was used to push natural disaster information to realize government society public multi-dimensional coordination; based on the network geographic information system, the natural disaster risk status was displayed in real time to realize the application of natural disaster risk monitoring and early warning, comprehensive research and judgment and emergency command. The platform effectively improves the management level of natural disaster risk control and the efficiency of emergency management, and truly achieve the goal of cross domain, multi-disaster and whole process closed-loop management and accurate control of natural disaster risk.
Key words:
- natural disaster /
- data exchange /
- emergency management risk control /
- emergency rescue /
- WebGIS
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