Analysis on the distributive characteristics and causes of the geological disasters induced by the “8·8” heavy rainstorm in Qu County, Sichuan Province
2021年8月8日渠县遭遇特大暴雨袭击,引发新增灾害38处,不同程度加剧已有灾害点109处。文中基于实地调查资料,对特大暴雨引发灾害的特征和孕灾地质条件与灾害分布关系开展研究,对比研究了累计降雨量与新增灾害数量和已有灾害加剧程度之间的关系。结果表明:此次渠县特大暴雨引发新增灾害点主要为土质滑坡,占比94.7%;区域斜坡结构对灾害发生的影响程度最高;土质滑坡集中发生在300~325 mm累计雨量区间,高达27处,变形迹象加剧程度严重的灾害点23处,分布在累计雨量为337~348 mm区间内;为该县地质灾害防治区划与汛期地质灾害防御提供科学依据,为类似地区特大暴雨地质灾害防灾减灾提供参考。
Abstract:On August 8, 2021, Quxian County was hit by a heavy rainstorm, causing 38 new disasters and aggravating 109 existing disasters to varying degrees. Based on field survey , this paper studies the characteristics of disasters caused by heavy rainstorms and the relationship between the hazard including and geological conditions and disaster distribution. The results show that: the new disaster points caused by the heavy rain in Quxian County are mainly soil landslides, accounting for 94.7%; the regional slope structure has the highest impact on the disaster occurrence; Soil landslides occurred in 300~325 mm accumulative rainfall range, up to 27 places; There are 23 disaster points with serious signs of aggravation of deformation, which are distributed in the range of accumulative rainfall of 337~348 mm; It can provide a scientific basis for the county’s geological disaster prevention and control zoning and flood season geological disaster prevention, and can provide a reference for disaster prevention and mitigation of geological disasters in similar areas with heavy rainstorms.
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