Analysis on the characteristics and mechanism of Tianwanzi landslide in Jinhaihu newly liberated area, Guizhou Province
2022年1月3日18时55分,贵州毕节市金海湖新区归化街道田湾子发生一起顺层滑坡,形成约3.5×104 m3的堆积体,造成14 人遇难,3 人受伤。综合应用无人机航拍、现场测试等技术手段,文章详细描述了现场的地质调查,初步分析了滑坡体特征、滑坡发生的运动过程和成因机理,并对滑坡残留体的潜在危险进行了监测和分析,为现场救援行动提出搜救建议。初步研究结果认为,滑坡源区特殊的地形地貌条件、风化碎裂的泥质白云岩和不利的岩体结构面是滑坡形成的内因,边坡开挖扰动致斜坡的地表形态和应力分布发生改变是滑坡发生的外因。田湾子滑坡发生前斜坡无明显的变形迹象,灾害发生具有突发性,造成了较大的人员伤亡和经济损失,深入研究田湾子滑坡的形成过程和成灾机理,对贵州山区存在类似条件的地质灾害隐患防治工作具有现实的指导意义。
Abstract:At 18:55 on January 3rd, 2022, a bedding landslide disaster occurred in Guihua street, Jinhaihu newly liberated area, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, with a volume of about 3.5×104 m3,which resulted in 14 deaths and 3 injuries. Through the detailed geological survey, this paper comprehensively uses UAV aerial photography, field testing and other technical methods to describe the characteristics of Tianwanzi landslide in detail, preliminarily analyze the movement process and genetic mechanism of the landslide, monitor and analyze the potential risk of the landslide residue, and put forward search and rescue suggestions for on-site rescue operations. The preliminary research results show that the special topographic and geomorphic conditions in the landslide source area, weathered and fragmented argillaceous dolomite and unfavorable rock mass structural plane are the internal causes of the landslide, and the change of surface morphology and stress distribution of the slope caused by slope excavation disturbance is the external cause. Before the occurrence of Tianwanzi landslide, there was no obvious sign of slope deformation, and the disaster occurred suddenly, resulting in great human and economic losses. In-depth study of the formation process and disaster mechanism of Tianwanzi landslide has practical guiding significance for the prevention and control of potential geological hazards with similar conditions in Guizhou mountainous area.
Key words:
- sudden landslide /
- weak intercalated layer /
- bedding landslide /
- geologic hazard /
- genetic mechanism
表 1 岩土体物理力学参数
Table 1. Physical and strength properties of rock and soil mass
岩土体 密度/(kg·m−3) 弹性模量/MPa 泊松比 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 天然 天然 滑体 2 592 17 150 0.29 1 876 28 滑面 2 160 3 200 0.36 34 7 -
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