Experimental analysis of failure process in soft-hard combined rock masses at different inclination angles
Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of the inclination angle of soft rocks on the evolution process of composite rock mass rupture, this paper conducted uniaxial compression experiments on composite rock masses with different inclination angles of soft rock. Digital speckle and acoustic emission methods were used as observation tools to explore the combined effects of different soft rock dip angles. The fracture evolution process of the rock mass was analyzed, and the change in mechanical properties of the composite rock mass with angle was studied. The fracture mode of the soft and hard composite rock mass with different inclination angles was obtained. The results show that the deformation and failure of the composite rock mass is a dynamic evolution process in which damage occurs inside the rock mass, with cracks appearing around the soft rock, and extend along and around the soft rock layer, eventually penetrating through the fracture. The deformation and failure process of the combined rock mass is manifested in four stages: original fissure compaction, elastic deformation, plastic deformation and failure. With an increase of the inclination angle of soft rocks, the compaction stage of the rock mass gradually increased, and the elastic modulus gradually decreased. When the inclination angle of soft rock is θ=0° or 15°, the rock mass rupture appears as a combination of soft and hard rock mass failure. When the inclination angle of soft rock is θ=30° or 45°, the rock mass failure mainly occurs in the soft rock area, and the form of rock mass changes from shear failure penetrating the soft rock layer to sliding shear failure along the soft rock layer. The greater the inclination angle of the soft rock layer, the more likely the rock mass is to undergo unstable failure. This study provides a reference for the long-term stability analysis of rock mass engineering containing soft and hard composites and the mechanical behavior of complex layered composite rock mass.
Key words:
- soft-hard combination /
- crack evolution /
- digital speckle /
- acoustic emission /
- uniaxial compression
表 1 试验方案
Table 1. Summary of test plan
组名 软岩角度/(°) 软岩厚度/mm 数量 Q0 0 20 3 Q15 15 20 3 Q30 30 20 3 Q45 45 20 3 表 2 不同倾角组合岩体单轴压缩试验结果
Table 2. Experimental results of uniaxial compression of rock masses with different inclination angles of the weak layers
标号 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性模量/GPa 峰值应变/% 抗压强度/MPa 单个试样 均值 单个试样 均值 单个试样 均值 单个试样 均值 Q0-1 2.42 2.40 2.96 2.94 1.64 1.46 29.50 27.53 Q0-2 2.41 2.99 1.53 26.50 Q0-3 2.36 2.86 1.21 26.59 Q15-1 2.38 2.38 2.86 2.80 1.54 1.51 25.07 25.62 Q15-2 2.41 3.00 1.69 26.95 Q15-3 2.35 2.55 1.30 24.83 Q30-1 2.42 2.39 2.91 2.76 1.57 1.32 18.75 19.42 Q30-2 2.38 2.84 1.26 19.89 Q30-3 2.37 2.54 1.12 19.62 Q45-1 2.28 2.28 2.40 2.39 0.97 1.00 16.99 16.75 Q45-2 2.27 2.39 1.05 16.07 Q45-3 2.28 2.37 0.99 17.02 -
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