Estimation and application of local replacement rate for soft foundation in inner dump based on strength parameters: A case study of Baiyinhua No. 1 open-pit mine in Inner Mongolia
为了更加经济有效地提高软基底内排土场边坡稳定性,以白音华一号露天矿为工程背景,通过直剪试验测定了排弃物-弱层接触面和排弃物-砂岩接触面抗剪力学指标,提出了局部换填条件下排弃物与基底接触面的等效抗剪力学参数的确定方法;基于刚体极限平衡理论,计算不同换填率条件下的边坡稳定系数,以安全储备系数为限定条件提出了基于强度参数的内排土场软基底局部换填率估算方法,并采用数值模拟手段进行验证。研究结果表明:确定白音华一号露天矿排弃物-砂岩接触面的黏聚力为25.78 kPa,内摩擦角为17.58°;排弃物-弱层接触面的黏聚力为7.50 kPa,内摩擦角为9.72°;局部换填情况下软基底内排土场边坡稳定性系数与换填率呈正相关一次函数关系;计算求得满足安全储备系数要求的内排土场某阶段基底换填率为20%;局部换填处理后软基底内排土场边坡的滑坡模式仍为以圆弧为侧界面、基底弱层为底界面的组合滑动。
Abstract:In order to effectively enhance the stability of the slope within the soft base of the inner dump, this study focuses on the Baiyinhua No. 1 open-pit mine as the engineering background. Through direct shear tests, the shear mechanical characteristics of the waste-weak layer interface and the waste-sandstone interface were determined. A methodology is proposed to determine the equivalent shear mechanical parameters of the waste-base interface under localized replacement conditions. In this study, the limit equilibrium theory of rigid body is applied to calculate the slope stability coefficients under different replacement ratios. Additionally, an estimation method for the local replacement ratio of the soft base in the waste dump, based on strength parameters and subject to a safety reserve coefficient constraint, was put forward and verified using numerical simulations. The results indicate that the cohesive force and internal friction angle at the waste-sandstone interface in the Baiyinhua No.1 open-pit mine were determined to be 25.78 kPa and 17.58°, respectively. These two parameters at the waste-weak layer interface were found to be 7.50 kPa and 9.72°, respectively. A positive linear relationship was observed between the stability coefficient of the inner dump slope in the soft base under localized replacement conditions and the replacement ratio. The calculated results reveal that a replacement ratio of 20% for a certain stage of the dump's base satisfies the safety reserve coefficient requirement. After local replacement treatment, the landslide mode of the dump slope in the soft foundation remains characterized by combined sliding, with the arc acting as the lateral boundary and the weak base layer serving as the bottom interface.
Key words:
- inner dumps /
- side slope /
- stability /
- soft substrate /
- contact surface /
- local replacement
表 1 岩土体物理力学指标
Table 1. Physical and mechanical properties of soil strata
岩体名称 内摩擦角/(°) 黏聚力/kPa 容重/ (kN·m−3) 排弃物 17.49 25.38 17.80 第四系砂土 23.98 0.00 17.50 新近系古近系黏土 24.00 85.00 19.30 煤 26.32 58.00 11.90 砂岩 17.76 50 20.4 泥岩 21.85 26.00 20.10 表 2 岩样天然含水率测定成果
Table 2. Measurement results of natural moisture content of rock samples
岩石名称 烘干前
质量/g含水率/% 排弃物 40.32 38.69 4.20 泥岩 33.74 30.73 9.79 弱层 28.31 23.16 22.24 表 3 烘干岩样各粒径级配比
Table 3. Particle Size Distribution of dried rock samples
岩性 各粒径占总质量百分比/% >2 mm 1~2 mm 0.5~1 mm 0.25~0.5 mm 0.075~0.25 mm <0.075mm 排弃物 4.711 14.317 33.268 13.842 22.515 11.347 碳质泥岩 11.037 27.413 26.346 11.927 16.318 6.959 泥岩 21.344 14.625 26.383 10.968 18.182 8.498 表 4 不同换填率条件下接触面等效抗剪力学指标
Table 4. Equivalent shear mechanical parameters of contact surface under different replacement rates
基底换填率/% 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°) 0 7.500 9.720 10 9.328 10.528 20 11.156 11.332 30 12.984 12.131 40 14.812 12.926 50 16.640 13.716 60 18.468 14.500 70 20.296 15.279 80 22.124 16.052 90 23.952 16.819 100 25.780 17.580 -
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