Comparison on the application of the software for image-free control UAV data processing of digital landslide: A case study of Huangtupo landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area
滑坡灾害是中国最常见的地质灾害之一,高效、便捷和准确地实现数字滑坡是滑坡防灾减灾的关键环节。近年来,由于高效率和低成本等优势,免像控无人机航测技术已被逐渐应用于数字滑坡分析领域。文章探讨了基于免像控技术的各航测软件在滑坡地形处理中的优劣势,以及应用于数字滑坡技术中的可行性。选取长江三峡库区的大型黄土坡滑坡为研究对象,借助大疆Phantom 4 RTK无人机获取研究区高分辨率遥感数据,采用4款国内外常用的专业航测处理软件Pix4D Mapper、Photoscan、Context Capture以及DJI Terra分别进行数字化处理,并从正射图质量、精度误差、耗时及操作难度四个维度进行对比分析并应用。结果表明:(1)在单体滑坡航拍面积高达2.23 km2的情况下,Pix4D Mapper软件生成的正射图质量效果最好且能达到大比例尺制图要求;(2)在精度误差上,DJI Terra与Pix4D Mapper表现最好,其中20个检查点的平面中误差均未超过10 cm,垂直中误差均未超过30 cm,综合对比结果发现在较大面积的单体滑坡灾害分析中Pix4D Mapper软件最具优势。认为可基于数字滑坡图件遥感解译获取了滑坡基本数字信息并通过GIS软件将滑坡数字信息储存起来建立滑坡灾害大数据库。研究显示,免像控无人机航测技术在今后滑坡灾害大数据库的快速建立方面具有巨大优势并将成为重要的研究方向之一,可为滑坡灾害防治与应急调查快速分析提供技术与数据支撑。
Abstract:Landslide disasters are among the most prevalent geological hazards in China, which seriously threatens the safety of people's lives and property. Efficient, convenient, and accurate digital landslide analysis is crucial for landslide disaster prevention and mitigation. In recent years, image-free unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerial survey technology has been increasingly employed in digital landslide analysis due to its advantages of high processing efficiency and production of high-quality maps. This study aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of various aerial survey software based on image-free control technology in landslide terrain processing, as well as their feasibility in digital landslide applications. In this paper, the Huangtupo landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area of the Yangtze River is selected as the research object. High-resolution remote sensing data in the study area are obtained using the Dajiang PHANTOM 4RTK UAV. Four commonly used professional aerial survey processing software, namely Pix4D Mapper, Photoscan, Context Capture, and DJI Terra, are utilized for digital processing. A comparative analysis is conducted based on four aspects: orthophoto quality, accuracy error, time consumption, and operation difficulty. The research findings reveal that: (1) Under the condition of a single landslide aerial photography area of up to 2.23 km2, Pix4D Mapper software generates orthophoto maps of the highest quality that meet the requirements for large-scale mapping; (2) DJI Terra and Pix4D Mapper have the best performance in terms of accuracy error, with the mean square error of 20 inspection points in the plane and vertical axis not exceeding 10cm and 30cm, respectively. Comprehensive comparison results indicate that Pix4D Mapper software demonstrates the most advantages in analyzing large-scale individual landslide disasters; (3) Based on the remote sensing interpretation of digital landslide maps, the basic digital information of the landslide is obtained, and a comprehensive landslide disaster database is established by storing the digital landslide information using GIS software. In conclusion, image-free UAV aerial survey technology holds significant advantages in the rapid establishment of future landslide disaster databases, emerging as an important research direction that provides technical and data support for swift analysis of landslide disaster prevention and emergency investigations.
表 1 各软件主要优势与数字化功能
Table 1. Key advantages and digital features of each software
软件名称 主要优势 数字化功能 其他信息 Pix4D Mapper 操作简单、界面简洁;能自动识别出照片中所对应的相机信息;兼容性强支持任意影像的数据处理,输出格式类型丰富[25] 软件可识别EXIF ID;可通过点云编辑器可实现手动选择以删除点云 瑞士Pix4D公司研发;最早于2011年推出测试 Photoscan 空三质量好;支持批量处理;支持多种文件格式;对初始数据的容错度较高;支持二次开发;支持全景拼接[26] 测量距离与坐标点信息 俄罗Agisoft公司研发;2006年开始专注于计算机视觉技术的创新与研究 Context Capture 三维建模能力强;数据源兼容性广;支持切块处理;支持生成多种三维格式[27] 提供测量功能如点坐标、线段距离以及面积与体积的计算 其前身为法国Acute3D公司,后被美国Bentley公司收购;最早于2011年发行测试版 DJI Terra 处理任务功能丰富;支持实时建模;支持集群计算;提供多种场景建模方式 支持处理生成LAS格式的点云数据 中国大疆创新公司研发;于2019年首发 表 2 无人机飞行参数表
Table 2. UAV Flight Parameters
参数 信息 区域名称 巴东县新城区的黄土坡滑坡 飞行平台 大疆Phantom4 RTK 无人机GNSS精度 垂直 1.5 cm + 1 ppm(RMS);
水平 1 cm + 1 ppm(RMS)飞行器重量/kg 约1.4 相机型号 FC6310R 单次飞行时间/min 约30 min 影像分辨率/pix 5472 ×3648 像素大小/mm 13.2 航拍面积/km2 2.23 平均航高/m 120 航线数/条 43 旁向重叠度/% 70 航向重叠度/% 80 航飞路线方式 “之”字形 表 3 正射图像元大小对比表
Table 3. Comparison of orthophoto pixel sizes
软件名称 DOM像元尺寸/cm Photoscan 7.39 DJI Terra 8.70 Context Capture 9.31 Pix4D Mapper 11.05 表 4 软件精度误差对比
Table 4. Comparison of software precision errors
软件 Δx/m Δy/m ΔS/m Δz/m Pix4D Mapper 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.28 Photoscan 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.82 Context Capture 0.11 0.16 0.19 0.25 DJI Terra 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.19 表 5 山区摄影测量技术精度要求
Table 5. Accuracy requirements for aerial photogrammetry techniques
比例尺 正射影像图平面误差/m 数字高程模型高程误差/m 1∶500 0.4 0.5 1∶ 1000 0.8 0.7 1∶ 2000 1.6 1.2 表 6 软件耗时对比
Table 6. Comparison of processing time for software
软件 耗时/min Pix4D Mapper 725 Photoscan 4658 Context Capture 2580 DJI Terra 345 表 7 软件操作性对比
Table 7. Comparison of software usability
软件名称 操作难度 专业知识要求 Pix4D Mapper 简单 低 Context Capture 难 中等 Photoscan 中等 高 DJI Terra 简单 较低 表 8 专家评分法结果
Table 8. Results of expert rating method
指标 权数 得分 等级
(最好1.0分 / 好0.8分 / 较好0.6分 /一般0.5分 / 差0.1分)Pix4D
CapturePhotoscan DJI
Terra分辨率 0.1 一般
纹理状态0.5 最好
(0.25)误差精度 0.25 好
(0.25)耗时 0.15 好
(0.15)合计 1.00 0.87 0.56 0.44 0.73 -
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