Sedimentary characteristics and processes revealed by the push cores of the 140th dive of DSV "Jiaolong" in the Taiwan Submarine Canyon, Northern South China Sea
Abstract:Transportation and deposition of sediments in submarine canyons are critical for understanding the deep-sea processes and environments, particularly the turbidity currents. In this paper, three push cores, collected from three sites in the middle reaches of the Taiwan Submarine Canyon during the 140th dive of Chinese DSV (Deep Submersible Vehicle) "Jiao Long", are analyzed for sediment characteristics, sources, and depositional processes. The upper parts of the push cores are dominated by homogeneous fine-grained sediments signified by a typical hemipelagic-pelagic benthic foraminifera assemblage. In contrast, the lower parts consist of coarse-grained sediments and assemblages of "shallow-water" benthic foraminifera typically occur in coastal or shelf areas. Their depositional characteristics suggest a down-slope transportation most likely by turbidity currents along the canyon. AMS14C dating indicates that the turbidite was formed approximately 150 cal.aBP, and the clay mineral compositions suggests a kind of hemipelagic-pelagic and the turbidite deposits with sediment sources dominantly from the Taiwan island and partly from the Pearl River and Luzon Island.
Key words:
- sedimentary processes /
- turbidity currents /
- DSV "Jiaolong" /
- Taiwan submarine canyon /
- South China Sea
表 1 台湾峡谷“蛟龙号”第140潜次短柱样品信息
Table 1. Information of the push cores collected during the 140th dive of DSV Jiaolong in the Taiwan Submarine Canyon
短柱编号 北纬(N) 东经(E) 水深/m 长度/cm #3 21°20.00′ 119°0.62′ 2935 13.0 #3a 21°19.83′ 119°0.82′ 2961 14.1 #4 21°19.64′ 119°0.98′ 2985 14.5 表 2 短柱底栖有孔虫主要特征种属含量
Table 2. Relative abundance of benthic foraminifera in the push cores
短柱 层位/cm 内陆架 外陆架 外陆架-半深海 半深海-深海 深海 外陆架-深海 1~2 15.4 7.7 19.2 26.9 30.8 #3 7~8 4.0 36.0 8.8 6.4 44.8 12~13 17.1 35.2 1.9 2.8 43.0 1~2 6.8 1.4 34.2 57.6 #3a 6~7 4.3 17.4 78.3 13~14 0.9 9.4 17.9 8.5 63.3 1~2 11.1 16.7 5.6 66.6 #4 6~7 2.6 3.8 45.9 47.7 11~12 7.9 35.2 3.4 3.4 50.1 13.5~14.5 8.5 31.4 3.4 56.7 内陆架主要为Elphidium advenum、Florilus scaphum、Pseudorotalia schroeteriana
外陆架主要为Bolivina robusta、Brizalina sp.、Brizalina striatula、Hanjawaia mantanensis
外陆架—半深海主要为Eggerella bradyi、Globocassidulina subglobosa、Planulina wuellerstorfi
半深海—深海主要为Bulimina aculeata、Epistominella exigua
深海主要为Rhabdammina sp.表 3 #3,#3a和#4短柱黏土矿物组成特征
Table 3. Clay mineral content of the push cores
短柱 层位/cm 蒙脱石/% 伊利石/% 高岭石/% 绿泥石/% 伊利石化学指数 伊利石结晶度/(°)Δ2θ 0~1 3.8 70.3 5.9 20.0 0.26 0.33 2~3 3.8 69.0 7.1 20.2 0.25 0.29 4~5 8.2 64.7 4.8 22.3 0.30 0.29 #3 6~7 7.1 65.7 4.3 23.0 0.32 0.29 8~9 8.0 64.8 4.6 22.6 0.20 0.30 10~11 6.6 65.1 7.8 20.6 0.27 0.28 11~12 16.6 57.6 5.5 20.4 0.29 0.28 0~1 4.0 67.5 6.3 22.2 0.29 0.29 2~3 6.1 65.2 5.0 23.7 0.27 2~3 4~5 16.4 58.8 7.8 17.0 0.28 0.29 #3a 6~7 15.3 58.7 6.4 19.6 0.28 6~7 8~9 19.0 56.5 6.8 17.8 0.29 0.32 10~11 14.2 61.0 7.1 17.8 0.27 0.30 12~13 14.5 60.3 10.1 15.1 0.27 0.32 0~1 2.0 72.3 5.6 20.1 0.29 0.30 2~3 5.3 68.0 6.2 20.4 0.29 0.29 4~5 14.4 59.5 6.3 19.9 0.29 0.30 6~7 12.2 60.4 7.0 20.4 0.26 6~7 #4 7~8 11.6 61.6 7.8 19.1 0.27 0.28 9~10 12.8 60.5 6.9 19.8 0.29 0.27 10~11 16.8 59.7 6.2 17.2 0.26 0.32 12~13 16.6 58.8 6.7 17.9 0.32 0.27 -
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