Application of micro-XRF technology to rapid and nondestructive detection of inorganic elements in ocean minerals
Abstract:A great amount of solid minerals, such as ferromanganese nodules, cobalt-bearing crusts and polymetallic hydrothermal sulfides, occur in the deep ocean. The in-situ distribution of the contents of various elements in the minerals are important indicators to their genesis, identification, grade and evaluation of economic value. In this study, three types of mineral samples, including ferromanganese nodules, cobalt-bearing crusts and polymetallic hydrothermal sulfides, were analyzed with micro-XRF technology, and high-resolution, in-situ and non-destructive multi-element mapping analysis was adopted to reveal the difference in spatial distribution of different elements in different types of mineral samples. Through the analysis of test data and the optimization of mapping process, we can compare the correlation and difference in specific element distribution and semi-quantitative content, so as to establish a new method for disclosing the visible deep-sea mineral element distribution psatterns.
Key words:
- nodules /
- crusts /
- hydrothermal sulfides /
- micro-XRF /
- element distribution /
- in situ /
- nondestructive
表 1 微区XRF在结核、结壳样品中的平行性验证
Table 1. Verification of parallelism of micro-XRF in nodule and crust samples
元素 结核样品 结壳样品点1 结壳样品点2 5次点扫
偏差/%Mg 0.098 0.035 35.3 0.113 0.023 20.0 0.063 0.046 74.1 Al 0.597 0.020 3.3 0.320 0.018 5.5 1.820 0.107 5.9 Si 1.873 0.013 0.7 1.961 0.050 2.6 7.834 0.303 3.9 P 0.252 0.004 1.8 0.382 0.009 2.3 0.286 0.036 12.7 S 0.222 0.006 2.7 0.259 0.002 0.8 0.170 0.017 10.0 Cl 2.296 0.019 0.8 1.348 0.028 2.1 1.569 0.012 0.8 K 0.788 0.004 0.5 0.682 0.005 0.8 1.354 0.039 2.9 Ca 4.011 0.012 0.3 5.147 0.017 0.3 5.857 0.026 0.4 Ti 2.391 0.006 0.3 2.668 0.008 0.3 1.777 0.009 0.5 V 0.258 0.006 2.5 0.329 0.009 2.8 0.281 0.022 7.7 Cr 0.286 0.008 2.9 0.245 0.009 3.7 0.499 0.010 2.1 Mn 50.880 0.037 0.1 44.081 0.049 0.1 34.971 0.461 1.3 Fe 32.746 0.069 0.2 39.651 0.079 0.2 41.289 0.154 0.4 Co 1.269 0.007 0.5 1.066 0.012 1.1 0.506 0.031 6.2 Ni 0.761 0.004 0.5 0.534 0.003 0.6 0.594 0.008 1.4 Cu 0.303 0.004 1.5 0.170 0.004 2.2 0.252 0.005 1.8 Zn 0.157 0.008 5.0 0.150 0.010 6.4 0.142 0.007 5.2 Sr 0.081 0.002 2.4 0.104 0.002 2.3 0.107 0.003 2.8 Pb 0.730 0.014 2.0 0.788 0.014 1.7 0.629 0.012 1.9 表 2 微区XRF在热液硫化物样品中的平行性验证
Table 2. Verification of parallelism of micro-XRF in hydrothermal sulfide
元素 热液硫化物点1 热液硫化物点2 热液硫化物点3 5次点扫
偏差/%Al 0.484 0.065 13.5 0.178 0.022 12.3 0.180 0.022 12.4 Si 1.076 0.242 22.5 0.102 0.013 12.7 1.045 0.021 2.0 S 26.594 0.917 3.4 42.930 0.424 1.0 34.685 0.084 0.2 Cl 1.954 0.279 14.3 0.671 0.419 62.4 3.446 0.021 0.6 K 0.161 0.008 4.8 0.066 0.005 7.0 0.324 0.015 4.8 Ca 0.067 0.034 49.8 0.008 0.001 7.2 0.034 0.003 7.6 V 0.098 0.013 13.3 0.204 0.038 18.8 2.422 0.031 1.3 Cr 1.102 0.200 18.2 54.463 0.681 1.2 19.171 0.059 0.3 Fe 39.325 0.472 1.2 0.017 0.001 8.1 0.023 0.002 7.1 Cu 27.629 0.633 2.3 0.223 0.005 2.4 6.521 0.133 2.0 Zn 1.511 0.235 15.5 1.138 0.106 9.3 32.146 0.240 0.7 表 3 微区XRF在黄铁矿标样中的准确度验证
Table 3. Accuracy verification of micro-XRF in pyrite standard sample
黄铁矿标样K18 点1/% 点2/% 点3/% 3次点扫相对标准偏差/% 3次点扫均值/% 标样理论值/% 检测误差/% Fe 43.01 43.51 43.36 0.59 43.29 46.64 7.18 S 53.38 53.32 52.93 0.46 53.21 53.19 0.04 表 4 微区XRF在闪锌矿标样中的准确度验证
Table 4. Accuracy verification of micro-XRF in sphalerite standard sample
闪锌矿标样 K52 点1/% 点2/% 点3/% 3次点扫相对标准偏差/% 3次点扫均值/% 标样理论值/% 检测误差/% Zn 62.96 62.33 63.62 1.02 62.97 66.96 5.96 S 33.68 33.72 33.41 0.50 33.60 32.71 2.72 表 5 不同单点驻留时间下的微区XRF面扫结果比对
Table 5. Comparison of micro-XRF area scanning results under different point dwell time
元素 100ms/% 50 ms/% 30 ms/% 20 ms/% 10 ms/% Al 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.12 Si 0.52 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.51 S 43.35 43.24 43.34 43.23 43.33 Cl 4.00 3.91 3.90 3.94 3.95 K 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 Ca 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Cr 1.67 1.67 1.70 1.67 1.67 Fe 45.90 46.06 46.02 46.07 45.99 Cu 1.39 1.40 1.38 1.40 1.38 Zn 2.86 2.87 2.84 2.86 2.86 As 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Cd 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 -
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