Geochemistry of rare earth elements and yttrium in ferromanganese crusts from Kocebu Guyot in the Western Pacific
西太平洋麦哲伦海山区是全球重要的铁锰结壳资源分布区,具有丰富的稀土元素资源潜力。本文对采自麦哲伦海山区Kocebu海山的11个铁锰结壳表层样(<1 mm)进行稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨其含量特征、成因和影响稀土元素富集的环境因素。结果表明:Kocebu海山铁锰结壳表层样品ΣREY(Rare earth elements and yttrium)平均含量为1 366 mg/kg,低于前人在麦哲伦海山区其他海山以及邻近的马尔库斯–威克海山区的分析结果;样品轻稀土富集和Ce正异常(平均值为1.45)特征以及稀土元素成因图解、配分曲线和分配系数曲线等均表明该海山结壳属于水成成因;海水中稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量是控制结壳生长的关键环境参数,二者在Kocebu海山所在海区的浅水环境中含量较低;结壳ΣREY含量偏低与采样点水深较浅导致的海水稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量较低密切相关,受碎屑矿物的稀释作用影响较小。在开展铁锰结壳地球化学特征研究和资源勘探评价时应充分考虑采样水深的分布范围,局部水深样品的分析结果可能导致研究结果出现较大偏差。
Abstract:The Magellan Seamounts in the Western Pacific, as an important contract area for ferromanganese crusts exploration, contain high potential of rare earth resources. In this paper, the geochemistry of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) from 11 top surface ferromanganese crust samples (<1 mm) collected from the Kocebu Guyot were studied. We analyzed the REY composition characteristics and genetic type of the samples and discussed the factors which control the enrichment of REY. The results show that the average REY abundance (ΣREY) of the crusts is 1366 mg/kg, which is lower than that from other seamounts in Magellan Seamounts and Marcus-Wake Seamounts. The Kocebu Guyot is characterized by enriched light REE and high positive Ce anomalies (mean δCe value 1.45). Genetic discrimination diagram, normalized REY plots and REY partition coefficient patterns indicate that all the crusts are hydrogenetic in origin. REY abundance and dissolved oxygen content in seawater should be regarded as primary environmental parameters controlling the growth of crusts. The lower REY abundance in the samples is related to the water depth and affected by lower REY and oxygen content in shallower waters near Kocebu Guyot, but not observably diluted by detrital minerals. Geochemistry research and resource evaluation of ferromanganese crusts in seamount areas should take the influence of water depth into further consideration, the analysis of samples from limited water depth may cause large deviations in the research results.
Key words:
- ferromanganese crusts /
- rare earth elements /
- geochemistry /
- genesis /
- Magellan Seamounts
图 4 Kocebu海山铁锰结壳成因类型判别图解[34]
Figure 4.
表 1 Kocebu海山铁锰结壳采样信息
Table 1. The sampling information of Fe-Mn crusts from Kocebu Guyot
样品编号 北纬 东经 水深/m 1-3-1 17.393° 153.125° 1 327 1-3-2 17.393° 153.125° 1 327 2-5 17.472° 153.168° 1 318 3-1 17.493° 153.237° 1 370 3-2 17.493° 153.237° 1 368 4-3 17.332° 153.214° 1 652 4-5 17.336° 153.207° 1 314 6-2 17.346° 153.138° 1 382 7-1 17.341° 152.698° 1 570 7-4 17.346° 152.697° 1 572 7-5 17.346° 152.697° 1 572 表 2 Kocebu海山与附近其他海山(区)铁锰结壳表层稀土元素含量
Table 2. Mean concentrations of rare earth elements and yttrium(REY) in surface layer of crusts from Kocebu Guyot and other areas nearby
样品编号 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu ΣREY Σ3+REY ΣLREE ΣHREE δCe 1-3-1 204 479 39.9 167 34.7 8.57 41.0 6.32 36.8 154 7.87 20.9 3.08 19.1 2.80 1 224 745 933 292 1.22 1-3-2 223 582 43.9 185 38.3 9.52 45.7 7.01 41.5 172 8.79 23.3 3.51 21.8 3.16 1 409 827 1 082 326 1.36 2-5 230 649 46.6 192 41.2 10.0 46.7 7.22 41.9 170 8.72 22.8 3.39 20.9 2.99 1 493 844 1 168 324 1.45 3-1 221 662 46.4 192 41.1 9.83 47.0 7.23 41.5 162 8.60 22.6 3.31 20.6 2.93 1 488 826 1 172 316 1.51 3-2 230 601 46.3 194 40.3 9.77 47.3 7.21 41.9 166 8.78 23.1 3.39 21.0 3.06 1 444 842 1 122 321 1.34 4-3 232 714 46.4 192 40.6 9.86 46.3 7.14 40.4 151 8.28 21.8 3.19 20.1 2.88 1 535 821 1 234 301 1.59 4-5 238 715 46.2 193 41.0 9.98 48.1 7.45 43.0 177 9.02 23.8 3.55 22.1 3.27 1 580 865 1 243 337 1.57 6-2 148 479 28.9 123 26.3 6.52 31.4 4.79 28.1 112 5.95 15.7 2.33 15.1 2.22 1 029 550 812 218 1.69 7-1 167 492 30.0 125 25.9 6.28 31.2 4.79 28.7 120 6.27 17.0 2.59 17.0 2.56 1 078 585 847 230 1.59 7-4 245 568 49.9 207 43.6 10.4 49.4 7.59 43.5 163 8.94 23.5 3.45 21.6 3.07 1 448 880 1 124 324 1.19 7-5 209 567 40.6 169 35.1 8.44 40.6 6.27 36.3 139 7.58 20.0 2.96 18.7 2.77 1 304 736 1 029 274 1.42 平均 213 592 42.3 176 37.1 9.02 43.1 6.64 38.5 153 8.07 21.3 3.16 19.8 2.88 1 366 775 1 070 297 1.45 MA(Pallada) 海山[24] 220 651 47.8 197 39.3 10.1 46.7 6.66 39.5 159 8.18 22.2 3.11 20.4 3.06 1 474 823 1 165 309 1.48 MD(Govorov) 海山[12, 25-26] 305 1 061 61.1 263 54.1 13.6 62.3 9.21 53.4 188 11.1 29.5 4.26 28.0 4.11 2 059 1072 1 748 385 1.81 ME(Il'ichev) 海山[12, 25] 365 1 198 70.8 301 60.9 15.2 71.5 10.1 58.2 222 12.5 33.4 4.66 31.0 4.59 2 164 1163 1 927 434 1.77 MK(Skornyakov) 海山[15-16, 25] 275 737 49.4 222 46.2 11.6 56.0 7.96 47.8 158 10.0 27.7 3.94 25.4 3.93 1 704 967 1 340 364 1.50 麦哲伦其他海山[13, 17] 316 961 59.6 261 54.4 13.3 62.9 9.29 53.2 − 11.3 30.4 4.43 27.6 4.32 1 866 907 1 665 203 1.84 Lamont 海山[14] 264 832 50.2 216 46.0 11.0 50.2 8.02 46.1 − 9.40 25.9 3.92 25.6 3.76 1 592 760 1 419 173 1.66 Takuyo-Daigo Smt.[27] 249 933 55.2 234 51.4 12.4 53.3 7.99 47.1 145 9.15 25.2 3.58 22.2 3.29 1 853 919 1 535 317 1.85 西北太平洋[28-29] 213 1 179 47.5 218 48.5 11.5 53.5 7.51 43.8 143 7.69 22.9 3.01 20.2 2.87 1 894 843 1 717 304 2.77 中国南海[30] 191 1 149 39.2 160 36.3 9.23 38.2 5.79 33.4 127 6.20 17.9 2.55 14.9 2.41 1 831 682 1 585 506 3.16 注:Σ3+REY为不包含Ce的ΣREY含量,ΣLREE为La—Eu,ΣHREE为Gd—Lu,δCe=2×CeSN/(LaSN+PrSN),La—ΣHREE的单位为mg/kg;−表示无数据。 -
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