Testing of quartz ESR dating for the marine strata on the northwestern coast of Hainan Island
利用石英ESR测年法对海南岛西北部出露海相地层的上部和下部进行了定年,尝试获得该出露地层的年龄范围,并探讨石英ESR法在热带海相地层年代学研究中的适用性。结果显示,上部地层年龄为(33±6.6)~(53±10.6) ka,下部地层年龄为(1 835±202)~(2 567±256)ka,反映了该地层的沉积时代基本属于更新世。根据各样品ESR信号强度与辐照剂量的线性拟合结果判断,7个样品中以最顶部和最底部2个样品的拟合度最佳,而且最底部样品的ESR信号强度随辐照剂量增大而趋于饱和,表明上部地层年龄以51±8.9 ka最为可靠,地层的底部则可能超出了更新世。本次研究是石英ESR测年法在我国热带海岸更新世海相地层的探讨性应用,其研究结果是下一步采用其他顺磁中心对该地层开展全面和深入的石英ESR测年的重要基础,同时也为更新世其他海相地层的ESR年代学研究提供参考。
Abstract:In order to obtain the age range of the marine strata exposed on the northwestern coast of Hainan Island, quartz ESR (electron spin resonance) dating method was adopted to date 7 samples from the upper and bottom outcrops of the strata. In addition, the application of quartz ESR dating method for chronostratigraphy of tropical marine strata was also discussed. Age dating results show that the upper layers are between (33±6.6) ~ (53±10.6) ka and the bottom layers are between (1 835±202) ~ (2567±256) ka, reflecting that the marine strata were accumulated mainly during the Pleistocene. According to the linear fitting results of the ESR signal intensity and irradiation dose, only two samples, one from the uppermost and one from the nethermost, have the best fit, and the ESR signal intensity of the nethermost sample tends to saturation with the irradiation dose. This indicates that 5.1±8.9 ka is the most reliable age for the upper layers, and the bottom of the strata may be beyond the Pleistocene. It is the first application of quartz ESR dating to Pleistocene marine strata of domestic tropical coast in this study. The results not only are the important basis for comprehensive and in-depth quartz ESR dating of the strata exposed in northwestern Hainan Island, but also provide great insights for the ESR dating research of other Pleistocene marine strata.
Key words:
- marine strata /
- quartz ESR dating /
- Pleistocene /
- Hainan Island
表 1 样品信息及石英ESR测年结果
Table 1. Sample information and results of quartz ESR dating
编号 物质 高度/m U/(μg/g) TU/(μg/g) K2O/% 含水量/% 古剂量
/kaST01 灰黄色粉砂 3.0 1.71 10.2 1.83 20 125±22 2.43 51±8.9 ST02 灰黄色粉砂 5.0 1.98 12.6 1.83 13 122±24 2.86 48±9.6 ST03 土黄色细砂 6.5 1.03 7.08 0.77 2.2 55±11 1.66 33±6.6 ST04 土黄色细砂 8.0 1.54 12.7 1.09 5.5 126±25 2.38 53±10.6 SJDT01 含泥砂岩 4.0 1.92 12.6 1.82 2.0 5889±648 3.24 1 835±202 SJDT03 中粗砂岩 7.0 1.17 6.99 0.487 2.0 2764±553 1.43 1 933±387 SJDT04 中细砂岩 9.0 1.91 8.16 0.781 1.0 5083±340 1.98 2567±256 -
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