Effects of perforation degree and deployment position of multilateral horizontal wells on gas production from inclined clay hydrate reservoirs
Abstract:Natural gas hydrate (NGH) is generally disseminated in inclined mud sediments in South China Sea (SCS), China. It is of great significance to investigate the production performance of multilateral horizontal wells in actual inclined NGH reservoirs. We implemented a real 3D inclined clay hydrate reservoir model based on geological and topographical data from the site X01, Shenhu Area, SCS, to simulate the production performance of multilateral horizontal wells with TOUGH+HYDRATE software and verified the modeling method. We studied the effects of perforation degree on the production performance of multilateral horizontal wells. The differences in production were compared when multilateral horizontal wells were deployed at different tectonic settings of NGH reservoirs (i.e., structural high position, inclined position, and structural low position). The optimal well configuration and placement position were determined. Results show that multilateral horizontal wells that are perforated simultaneously in horizontal branch and vertical main well are beneficial to enhance NGH dissociation and gas production. However, the perforation section of vertical main wells should not be too long. The optimal length ratio of vertical main well and horizontal branch is 0.5~1.0. Moreover, the inclination of the hydrate reservoirs affects significantly the production performance of multilateral horizontal wells. Comparatively, deploying multilateral horizontal wells at horizontal places at low structural positions of clay hydrate reservoirs is conducive to long-term and efficient production of NGH.
参数 数值 参数 数值 储层基础参数 上覆盖层厚度/m 116.5 颗粒密度/(kg∙m−3) 2650 水合物储层厚度/m 76 地温梯度/(℃/100 m) 5.46 下伏地层厚度/m 120 热导率(湿)/(W∙m−1∙℃) 2.917 储层孔隙度/% 34.50 热导率(干)/(W∙m−1∙℃) 1.00 储层绝对渗透率/(10−3μ㎡) kx = ky = kz = 0.22 压缩系数/Pa−1 1.00×10−8 水合物饱和度/% 34.00 比热容/(J∙kg−1∙℃−1) 1000 X01站位处水深/m 1309.75 孔隙水盐度/‰ 3.05 相对渗透率模型(Relative permeability model) [39] KrA =(SA*)n KrG =(SG*)nG SA*=(SA−SirA)/(1−SirA) SG* =(SG −SirG)/(1−SirA) SirA 0.50 nG 3.00 SirG 0.05 n 5.00 孔隙水压力模型(Capillary pressure model) [42] Pcap = −P0[(S*)−1/λ−1]1−λ S* =(SA−SirA)/(SmxA−SirA) P0/Pa 105 SmxA 1.00 λ 0.15 SirA 0.50 -
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