Detrital zircon U-Pb age and provenance discrimination in sediments of the central mud area in the South Yellow Sea
对南黄海中部泥质区南侧4个表层沉积物和SYS90-1A孔中5个沉积物样品进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年,具体分析了研究区表层沉积物物源差异及约1.0 Ma以来沉积物物源变化。结果显示,泥质区沉积物主要来自黄河,而泥质区外部南侧沉积物可能主要由长江供应。SYS90-1A孔主要记录了早更新世晚期以来的沉积记录,不同时期物源差异明显:中更新世早期以长江源物质为主,利用磁化率开展旋回地层学分析,根据天文年代调谐确定该时期具体时代为0.59~0.71 Ma;早更新世晚期至中更新世以及中更新世中期以来以黄河源物质为主。这一结果与前人关于南黄海早更新世以来沉积物以黄河源物质为主的认识不同,长江源物质对南黄海泥质区沉积物贡献需要重新认识。上述表层沉积物样品和钻孔沉积物样品碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布与朝鲜半岛河流沉积物完全不同,说明该区域自早更新世晚期以来沉积物主要来自中国大陆。
- 中部泥质区 /
- 碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄 /
- 物源判别 /
- 南黄海
Abstract:Detrital zircons taken from four surface sediments and five sediment samples from SYS90-1A borehole in the southern part of the central mud area of the South Yellow Sea was U-Pb dated and their provenances were discriminated, based on which the changes since about 1.0 Ma in the provenance of the sediment samples were analyzed. Results show that the sediments in the mud area are mainly from the Yellow River, and the sediments in the south of the mud area may be transported by the Yangtze River. The borehole SYS90-1A mainly records the deposits since the late Early Pleistocene, showing obvious provenance differences in different stages. In the early Middle Pleistocene, the sediments were mainly transported from the Yangtze River; and cyclic stratigraphy that was determined based on magnetic susceptibility and astronomical chronology tuning showed that the specific time of the stage is 590~710 ka. From the late early Pleistocene to the middle Pleistocene and since the middle Pleistocene, the sediments were mainly from the Yellow River. This result is different from the previous understanding that the sediments in the South Yellow Sea since the Early Pleistocene were mainly derived from the Yellow River, and the contribution of the sediments from the Yangtze River to the mud area needs to be re-recognized. The detrital zircon U-Pb age distribution of all samples is completely different from that of the fluvial sediments of the Korean Peninsula, indicating that the sediments in this area are mainly from mainland China since the late Early Pleistocene.
图 2 SYS90-1A孔与CSDP-1孔[30]年代框架及锆石定年分析样品取样位置示意图
Figure 2.
表 1 沉积物样品位置及岩性信息
Table 1. Samples location and lithology information
序号 样品编号 位置 埋深/m 岩性 备注 1 SYB80 33°27′15″N、 123°17′46″E 0.20 粉砂 表层样 2 SYB86 33°05′40″N、124°24′17″E 0.20 粉砂 表层样 3 SYB198 33°05′40″N、124°44′02″E 0.20 粉砂 表层样 4 SYB256 33°05′40″N、124°03′48″E 0.20 粉砂 表层样 5 SYS90-1A-B709 33°48′49″N、 123°43′58″E 34.88 粉砂 钻孔样 6 SYS90-1A-C717 33°48′49″N、 123°43′58″E 56.20 细砂 钻孔样 7 SYS90-1A-D235 33°48′49″N、 123°43′58″E 68.88 粉砂 钻孔样 8 SYS90-1A-D275 33°48′49″N、123°43′58″E 69.68 粉砂 钻孔样 9 SYS90-1A-D945 33°48′49″N、123°43′58″E 85.66 粉砂 钻孔样 表 2 第一组样品不同年龄区间锆石比例
Table 2. The proportion of zircons in different ages of the first group of samples
% 样品编号 <100 Ma 100~300 Ma 300~500 Ma 600~1100 Ma 1300~1500 Ma 1800~2000 Ma 2300~2700 Ma SYS90-1A-C717 1 27 13 27 4 16 12 SYS90-1A-D235 4 26 11 35 2 6 17 SYB86 0 44 11 18 4 18 5 SYB198 3 54 13 21 2 5 2 SYB256 3 33 13 18 3 19 11 表 3 第二组样品不同年龄区间锆石比例
Table 3. The proportion of zircons in different ages of the second group of samples
% 样品编号 <200 Ma 200~300 Ma 350~500 Ma 600~1100 Ma 1300~1500 Ma 1800~2000 Ma 2000~2600 Ma SYS90-1A-B709 4 21 11 23 6 23 13 SYS90-1A-D275 3 13 12 41 3 16 13 SYS90-1A-D945 2 22 13 26 2 22 15 SYB80 2 21 9 35 4 15 15 -
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