Distribution and provenance of detrital minerals in surface sediments of the northeastern East China Sea
Abstract:In order to understand the source of surface sediments and the characteristics of the depositional environment on the East China Sea Shelf, 180 surface sediment samples from the southwest waters of Jeju Island were analyzed in terms of sediment types and detrital mineral compositions by means of grain size and mineralogy. The relationship between the distribution characteristics of minerals and the depositional environment was discussed. Based on the sedimentary dynamics method, the influence of the transport mode, material source and circulation system of the surface sediments on its distribution was clarified. Thirty-four heavy minerals were identified, mainly common amphibole, epidote, and metallic minerals. Olivine and metamorphic rock minerals are the landmark minerals distinguished from inland shelf deposits. Thirteen light minerals were identified, which are characterized by commonly developed glauconite. According to the distribution characteristics of clastic mineral assemblage, the study area could be divided into two mineral assemblages named as Zone Ⅰ and Zone Ⅱ, correspondingly. Zone Ⅰ occupied in the central modern sedimentary zone characteristic of ordinary amphibole, epidote, authigenic pyrite, metallic minerals, and sheet minerals, showing colors of modern terrigenous sediments from mainly the Yellow River, biological, and authigenic sediments. Zone Ⅱ covered the peripheral residual sedimentary zone characteristic of weak reductive environment with slow sedimentation rate. Zone Ⅱ could be divided into two subzones. Subzone Ⅱ-1 features ordinary amphibole, epidote, metallic minerals, garnet, and olivine, indicating the origin of the ancient Yangtze River on the basement of foreset sediments with the influence of Zone Ⅰ, receiving a small amount of modern terrigenous suspended or resuspended sediments with own regional uniqueness. Subzone Ⅱ-2 contains epidote, ordinary hornblende, metal minerals, and garnet etc, reflecting residual sediments of the ancient Yangtze River. Under the action of the central cold vortex, few modern materials could be added. Meanwhile, local organic substances in local environment that are mutually exchanged with zone Ⅰ cannot be excluded from the area. The research content of this paper provides a new reference for further studies on sedimentology, mineralogy and environmental evolution on the East China Sea Shelf.
图 1 研究区及地质背景[9]
Figure 1.
表 1 研究区沉积物中主要重矿物含量统计
Table 1. Statistics of major heavy minerals in sediment of the study area
矿物种类 矿物颗粒百分比/%(180) 平均值 最大值 最小值 出现率 Ⅰ
(15)普通角闪石 29.25 47.80 2.64 100 25.97 32.34 27.07 绿帘石 25.63 44.11 3.81 100 23.62 26.85 28.34 闪石类 31.84 51.26 4.99 100 28.41 35.23 28.61 帘石类 28.63 49.22 4.69 100 26.11 30.52 29.93 钛铁氧化物 7.70 33.87 1.26 100 6.11 9.50 4.78 片状矿物 2.95 28.75 0.20 91.11 5.15 1.26 2.03 辉石类 0.42 1.23 0.25 33.89 0.40 0.44 0.41 锆石 0.71 11.18 0.22 4.44 0.57 0.86 0.36 榍石 1.36 3.87 0.19 98.33 1.18 1.56 1.03 石榴石 1.95 5.06 0.29 98.33 1.75 2.07 2.26 橄榄石 1.67 7.67 0.20 14.44 0.55 2.01 0.00 ZTR 1.31 12.06 0.21 96.11 1.10 1.43 1.00 变质岩矿物 0.48 1.24 0.23 41.67 0.16 0.23 0.25 自生黄铁矿 5.24 34.59 0.21 21.67 6.58 0.75 0.00 注:表内除全区列出最小值、最大值和平均值外,其余各列均为平均值;Ⅰ、Ⅱ-1和Ⅱ-2代表研究区分区号,在本文2.4章节阐述了分区依据;括号内代表各列样品个数。 表 2 研究区沉积物中主要轻矿物含量统计
Table 2. Statistics of major light minerals in sediment of the study area
矿物种类 矿物颗粒百分比%(180) 平均值 最大值 最小值 出现率 Ⅰ
(15)石英 16.42 45.05 0.94 100 9.06 22.47 16.95 斜长石 29.92 59.26 3.44 98.89 18.04 39.28 31.57 钾长石 1.63 11.76 0.30 77.78 1.26 1.89 1.54 黑云母 1.01 36.44 0.25 41.67 1.37 0.40 0.31 白云母 0.94 6.65 0.25 70.56 1.26 0.55 0.50 风化云母 0.82 4.44 0.25 70.56 0.99 0.67 0.52 海绿石 1.47 5.37 0.26 87.78 1.02 1.71 1.85 生物碎屑 39.68 91.82 0.29 93.33 62.94 18.02 38.49 注:表内除全区列出最小值、最大值和平均值外,其余各列均为平均值;Ⅰ、Ⅱ-1和Ⅱ-2代表研究区分区号;括号内代表各列样品个数。 -
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