Progress and prospects of research on the Quaternary sedimentary environment in the eastern shelf of China
Abstract:The eastern shelf of China is located in the transitional zone between the Asian continent and the western Pacific Ocean. It is an important link connecting the largest sedimentary source-sink system in the world, and bears many important information on tectonic deformation in East Asia, the formation and evolution of the Asian monsoon system, sea level changes and major water system changes in East Asia. Based on the review of previous studies and the new data obtained from marine projects in China during the last two decades, this paper reviews the Quaternary sedimentary environmental changes in the eastern shelf of China, mainly focusing on changes in marine transgression and regression cycles, and discusses the connection between the Quaternary sedimentary environment in eastern shelf of China and regional tectonic, sea level and East Asian monsoon climate changes. Based on the previous sedimentary source-sink studies in the Yangtze and Yellow River basins and the shelf area, we discuss the timing of penetrating into the sea of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers and controlling factors. We propose that the coupling mechanism of the geological environment evolution in the eastern shelf of China with Asian tectonic deformation, monsoon system evolution, sea-level change, major water system adjustment and carbon burial since the Cenozoic is a key scientific goal for future scientific drilling in the eastern shelf of China.
图 2 渤海BH08钻孔天文调谐方法建立的年代框架[34]
Figure 2.
图 3 黄海NHH01钻孔天文调谐方法建立的年代框架[49]
Figure 3.
图 4 中国渤、黄海海域及沿岸第四纪沉积环境对比[49]
Figure 4.
图 6 渤、黄海陆架轨道尺度沉积环境变化[49]
Figure 6.
图 7 渤海BH08钻孔沉积粒度揭示的海平面与东亚夏季风变化[92]
Figure 7.
表 1 文中提及的中国东部陆架主要钻孔岩心信息
Table 1. Detailed information of cores on the coastal area and the eastern shelf of China mentioned in text
区域 钻孔 纬度/(°) 经度/(°) 长度/m 水深/m 底界年龄/Ma 文献来源 渤海 BC-1 39.15 119.9 240.5 24 0.24 [25] BH08 38.28 120 212.4 28 1 [34] BH1 37.28 119.1 198.8 4 3 [29] BH2 37.17 119.07 228.2 陆上 3 [29] BZ1 38.85 117.38 204.5 陆上 2.2 [26] BZ2 39.03 117.14 203.6 陆上 3.2 [27] CK3 38.15 117.54 500 陆上 6.6 [28] G2 39.07 117.63 1226 陆上 8.5 [35] G3 38.83 117.43 905 陆上 8 [36] G4 38.04 117.6 400 陆上 5.2 [28] HLL02 37.03 119.13 425 陆上 5 [29] JXC-1 40.4 121.05 70.3 22 1.2 [31] Lz908 37.15 118.97 101.3 陆上 0.12 [20] MT04 39.27 118.83 383 陆上 3.2 [30] TJC-1 38.73 118.95 200.3 26 2.28 [32] YKC-2 40.43 121.61 70.2 13 0.7 [31] YRD-1101 38.04 118.6 200.3 1.8 1.9 [37] 黄海 CSDP-1 34.3 122.37 300.1 52.5 3.5 [33] CSDP-2 34.56 121.26 2 809.9 22 5* [38] DLC70-3 36.33 123.53 71.2 72 0.8 [39] EY02-2 34.5 123.5 70 79 0.89 [40] NHH01 35.22 123.22 125.6 73 1 [41] QC1 32.52 122.5 117.2 29.5 1 [42] QC2 34.3 122.27 108.8 49.1 1.9 [42] 东海 CJ-1 31.13 121.75 172.3 陆上 0.89 [43] ECS-DZ1 30.48 112.05 153.6 12 2 [44] EY02-1 30.73 126.57 70 90 0.26 [40] FX 31.20 121.25 102 陆上 0.12 [17] MFC 31.24 121.46 112 陆上 0.12 [17] SFK-1 29.1 125.3 88.3 82.9 0.15 [45] ZK9 30.88 122.42 50 12.5 0.013 [46] 注:*为上部550 m沉积的底界年代。 -
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