Deep water sedimentary processes in South China Sea and proposed scientific drill targets
Abstract:Several oceanic drilling expeditions in the South China Sea (SCS) have disclosed various types of deep water sediments. The scientific objectives of the expeditions focus mainly on the paleoceangraphy, the formation of SCS, and the break-up processes. In addition, oceanography surveys have confirmed its complex deep-water sedimentary dynamic environment, especially in the northern continental margin of the SCS with complex submarine topography, submarine canyons, mass-transport deposit (MTDs), and various types of contourites. Its unique tectonic environment and complex current patterns result in the development of many types of deep-water sedimentary systems, making the northern South China Sea the best place to study deep-sea sedimentary processes and their interactions. By comparing and analyzing 2—3 multi-station profiles would help deep understanding of the characteristics of bottom currents and their interaction with gravity flows, processes of MTDs, turbidity currents, and bottom currents, as well as marginal basin break-up and spreading. Proposed ocean drilling programs will promote development of the theory on deep water sedimentary dynamics in terms of the evolution of sedimentary patterns and bottom currents in the northern South China Sea.
Key words:
- ocean drilling /
- deep-water sedimentary process /
- gravity flow /
- bottom current /
- breakup sequence /
- South China Sea
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