Prediction of favorable reservoir in granite weathering-crust buried-hill type—A case study of the Baoyunting area on Pinghu slope
Abstract:Pinghu slope is the key exploration area of oil and gas in the Xihu Sag, East China Sea basin. With the deepening of exploration and development, buried-hill-typed reservoirs in deep and basement have become an important target. To promote the exploration, the main controlling factors and favorable reservoir distribution of granite weathering-crust buried-hill reservoirs in the Baoyunting area of Pinghu slope were studied comprehensively using various data including logging, seismic, core, and experimental analysis. Results show that the mineral composition provided material bases for the formation of the granite weathering-crust buried-hill–typed reservoir; leaching controlled the formation of dissolution pores; and tectonic activities generated many fractures. These factors improved the physical properties of the reservoir, and jointly controlled the distribution of reservoirs in the buried-hill type. In addition, using paleogeomorphic restoration and ant body attribute extraction, the weathering and dissolution intensity and fracture development degree were predicted, and finally the granite buried hill reservoirs in the Baoyunting oil-gas area was evaluated in overall.
Key words:
- granite buried hill /
- favorable reservoir /
- weathering crust /
- Pinghu slope
表 1 宝云亭潜山风化壳型花岗岩储层分类评价
Table 1. Classification and evaluation of weathering-crust–typed granite reservoir in the Baoyunting buried hill
储层类型 储集空间类型 储层定性特征 储层定量表征 已钻井特征 一类储层 孔隙-裂缝型 古地貌斜坡带+裂缝发育区 古地貌高度100~250 m,
出后效气约1万m3二类储层 裂缝型 古地貌高地+裂缝发育区 古地貌高度大于250 m,
见气测异常显示孔隙型 古地貌斜坡带+裂缝不发育区 古地貌高度100~250 m,
蚂蚁体属性值小于0.2暂无 三类储层 无有效储集空间 古地貌高地/洼地+裂缝不发育区 古地貌高度大于250 m或小于100 m,
蚂蚁体属性值小于0.2暂无 -
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