Abstract:Before subduction into the mantle, the oceanic crust formed at mid-ocean ridges would undergo fluid-rock interaction on the seafloor and within the crust. Study in this regard can enhance our understanding of the seafloor hydrothermal system and crust-mantle recycling. Lithium (Li) is strongly mobilized by hydrous fluids and has significant isotopic fractionation during many geological processes (e.g. weathering, seawater, and hydrothermal alteration), thus the variation in Li content and isotopic ratio provide information of the oceanic crust alteration. At present, geochemical data of altered oceanic crust are still lack, and the interpretations of available Li data are often controversial, which caused no consensus on the mechanism of the alteration process. We summarized the Li data of altered basalts and serpentinized peridotites from oceanic drilling cores, discussed the main factors controlling Li behaviors during the alteration process (e.g., the temperature of fluid-rock reaction, chemical composition of fluid, water-rock ratio, secondary mineral precipitation), and suggested that future studies shall be strengthened in the following directions: (1) keep adding new Li isotope data into the geochemical reservoirs and improving the accuracy of analysis; (2) conduct studies on Li isotopes at different spatial scales; (3) evaluate the effects of both equilibrium and kinetic fractionation when considering the high-temperature alteration processes; (4) combine Li and other isotope systems that display similar behaviors during the oceanic crust alteration.
Key words:
- lithium /
- element behavior /
- isotope fractionation /
- the alteration of oceanic crust
图 1 不同环境下的Li同位素组成示意图[14]
Figure 1.
表 1 大洋钻探钻孔岩芯中低温蚀变玄武岩的Li含量和δ7Li值汇总
Table 1. Compilation of Li content and δ7Li values of low-temperature-altered basalts from ocean drilling cores
钻孔编号 Li含量
/‰数据来源 ODP504B 5.62~8.79 5.90 4.80~11.80 6.75 Chan等[1] ODP896A 4.00~7.9 6.31 4.40~12.60 8.17 Chan等[1] IODP1256C 2.87~9.25 6.00 1.06~5.28 3.02 Gao等[18] IODP1256D 4.17~13.1 5.58 2.24~6.13 4.57 Gao等[18] DSDP417A 12.10~71.40 30.84 0.80~9.00 5.37 Seyedali等[17] DSDP417D 7.50~18.60 11.94 −0.80~7.10 3.73 Seyedali等[17] DSDP418A 5.80~18.30 12.53 −1.70~12.90 1.85 Seyedali等[17] 表 2 大洋钻探钻孔岩芯中高温蚀变玄武岩的Li含量和δ7Li值汇总
Table 2. Compilation of Li contents and δ7Li values of high-temperature-altered basalts from ocean drilling cores
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