Estimation of karst carbon sink fluxes and manual intervention to increase carbon sinks in China
摘要: 中国是岩溶大国,岩溶作用吸收土壤或大气CO2形成溶解无机碳,并随河流排向海洋,这是陆地碳循环的重要组成部分。中国地质调查局从2009年开始对岩溶碳汇进行探索性调查,基本查明了岩溶碳汇的作用机理、影响因素和计量方法。研究表明: 碳酸盐岩溶蚀试片、径流-水化学和回归模型等方法均揭示了中国岩溶碳汇潜力巨大; 植被恢复、土壤改良、外源水灌溉和水生植物培育等是人工干预增加岩溶碳汇的重要途径; 流域尺度岩溶碳循环及碳汇效应调查技术的应用,助力取得了岩溶碳循环地质调查和碳汇效应评价方面的理论、技术和平台建设等系列成果。值得注意的是,岩溶碳汇计量、核查和人工干预固碳增汇试验示范等方面还面临巨大挑战,这需要在“十四五”期间及以后的研究中不断攻关、完善,从而满足地质碳汇服务碳中和目标的需求。Abstract: China is a country with a large area of karst. It is an important part of the terrestrial carbon cycle that the absorption of CO2 from soil or atmosphere by karstification would form dissolved inorganic carbon and discharge it to the ocean along rivers. The mechanism, influencing factors and measurement methods of karst carbon sinks have been ascertained by China Geological Survey since the exploratory investigation of karst carbon sinks in 2009.`The results show that the huge potential of karst carbon sinks in China has been revealed by the carbonate rock dissolution tablets, runoff-water chemistry and regression models. The important measures of manual intervention to increase karst carbon sinks include vegetation restoration, soil improvement, allogenic water irrigation, and aquatic plants cultivation. The application of basin-scale karst carbon cycle and carbon sink effect investigation technology has promoted a series of results in the theory, investigation, monitoring technology and platform construction of the karst carbon cycle and carbon sink effect evaluation by geological survey. However, there are still major challenges in the measurement, verification, and manual intervention of karst carbon sinks to sequester and increase carbon sinks, which would need to be tackled and improved during the 14th Five-Year Plan period to meet the goal of geological carbon sinks serving carbon neutrality.
Key words:
- karst carbon sink /
- carbon cycle /
- carbon flux /
- increasing carbon sinks /
- manual intervention /
- geological survey
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