Main progress in investigation, development and utilization of marine carbon-free energy in China
摘要: 海洋可再生能源属于无碳能源,包括潮汐能、潮流能、波浪能、温差能、盐差能和风能等多种形式。文章介绍了国内外海洋无碳能源的开发利用现状,重点阐述了我国海洋无碳能源储量、分布及其开发利用条件,以及我国海洋无碳能源发展存在的问题和开发利用前景。开发利用海洋无碳能源符合碳中和发展需求,在能源转换中占有重要地位,对沿海和海岛经济发展、生态环境保护和海洋国防建设具有十分重要的战略意义。Abstract: Ocean renewable energy is a carbon-free energy, including tidal energy, tidal current energy, wave energy, thermal gradient energy, salinity gradient energy and wind energy. With the rapid development of society, the demand for energy has been increasing and the development and utilization of marine energy has been paid more attention to around the world. The authors of this paper have introduced the development and utilization conditions, the existing problems and the prospects of marine energy in China. The development and utilization of marine energy is in conformance to the requirements of carbon neutral development and would play an important role in energy conversion, which is of great strategic significance to the coastal and island economic development, ecological environment protection and marine national defense construction.
Key words:
- carbon-free energy /
- marine energy /
- resources /
- development and utilization
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