Suitability Evaluation and Functional Division of Land Space Development in the High-incidence Area of Geological hazards in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yellow River: A case Study of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province
摘要: 国土空间开发适宜性评价是指导国土空间科学开发、合理布局的基础,功能分区能为国土空间开发格局优化提供科学依据,两者对社会经济可持续发展均具有重要意义。选取地质灾害高发频发的延川县为研究范例,利用专家打分法和三维魔方法,基于30 m×30 m栅格尺度开展了2018年延川县国土空间开发适宜性评价和功能分区研究。结果表明,因受地质灾害点分布特征的约束和影响,延川县的国土空间开发适宜性呈现空间集聚效应,其中中等适宜性的区域面积占50%左右,高适宜和低适宜分别占27.16%、24.29%;该县国土开发约束最大的区域与地质灾害高易发区空间格局一致,现有开发程度最大的区域主要为延川县城主城区大禹街道办、永坪镇北部以及文安驿镇的局部,未来开发潜力最大的区域主要位于文安驿镇与永坪镇等矿产资源丰富的地区;功能分区显示该县城镇建设主导区、农业发展主导区和生态保护主导区各占研究区国土总面积的7.22%、48.38%、44.40%。研究结果可为延川县未来国土空间规划的制定和优化提供科学依据。Abstract: The evaluation of land space development suitability is the basis for scientific development and rational layout of land space while functional zoning providing scientific evidence for the optimization of land space development. They are important for the sustainable development of social economy. This paper selects Yanchuan County, an area with a high incidence of geological hazards, as a research example, and evaluates the suitability of land development on a grid scale of 30×30 m in 2018. Based on the evaluation results, the functional zone of Yanchuan County is carried out by using the three-dimensional magic method. The results show that due to the constraints of geological disasters and other factors, the suitability of land space development in this area has an agglomeration effect. The area of high suitability, moderate suitability and low suitability accounted for 27.16%, 48.55%, 24.29 respectively. The area with the most restrictive land development is consistent with the high-prone area of geological hazards. The areas with the most development are Dayu street, North of Yongping Town and the partial of Wen Anyi Town. The areas with the greatest potential for future development are mainly located in areas with rich mineral resources such as Wen Anyi Town and Yongping Town. The urban construction leading area, the agricultural development leading area and the ecological protection leading area accounted for 7.22%, 48.38% and 44.40%, respectively. The research provides a scientific basis for the formulation and optimization of future land and space planning in Yanchuan County.
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