Regional Geological Survey and Research of Northwest China from 1962 to 2022: Review and Prospect
摘要: 基础地质调查与研究是地质工作的根基,通过岩石、地层、古生物、构造等基本特征的调查及时空演化规律的分析研究,可持续深化对西北地区多圈层交互作用过程的认识,破解西北地区重大基础地质问题,提升对地球系统科学和资源环境国情的认知水平。笔者在回顾了中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心60年来在区域地质填图方法、板块构造及区域构造单元划分、海相火山岩与成矿、中国及邻区板内火山作用、新生代风成堆积与古气候、埃迪卡拉纪和奥陶纪—志留纪古生物、大陆边缘系统、区域综合编图等工作基础上,总结了基础地质支撑服务资源环境及国家重大工程建设领域取得的诸多创新性方法、理论成果和重大进展。60年栉风沐雨,立足于西北地区亟待破解的关键地质问题,在区域地质调查及基础地质理论创新方面取得了丰硕成果;展望未来,在基础地质转型升级的形势下,紧抓区域大地构造演化过程及其资源环境效应主线,既要持续深化西北地区基础地质调查与研究,也要加强与生态文明建设相关的新生代地质调查研究,同时推进基础地质各专业数据融合能力的显著提升,将地球系统科学的思想贯穿至西北地区基础地质调查工作之中。Abstract: Regional geological survey and research plays an essential role in geological work. Through the investigation and research for basic characteristics of rocks, strata, paleontology, tectonics and temporal and spatial evolution, we can continuously deepen the understanding for the process of multi-layered interaction system of the earth, solve key geological issues about the northwest China, and improve the cognition for earth system science and resources and environmental conditions. The works of the past sixty years are reviewed for the Xi'an center, CGS, mainly including regional geological mapping methods, plate tectonics and tectonic unit division, marine volcanic rocks and mineralization, intraplate volcanism in China and adjacent areas, Cenozoic aeolian accumulation and paleoclimate, Ediacaran and Ordovician-Silurian paleontology, continental marginal system and regional comprehensive mapping. Furthermore, many innovative methods, theoretical achievements and significant progress are summarized based on the field of resources, environment and national major projects supported by regional geology. During the sixty years, we have been focusing on the key regional geological issues that need to be solved in the northwest China. In the future, under the situation of transformation and upgrading of regional geology, we will firmly focus on the main line of the tectonic evolution process and resource and environmental effects. Based on it, we will continue to strengthen the regional geological survey and research, and promote the Cenozoic geological survey and research. In addition, it is necessary to promote the significant improvement for the data fusion ability of various specialties, and integrate the ideas of earth system science into the regional geological survey in the northwest China.
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