Hydrogeological Survey and Water Resources Security in Northwest China
摘要: 西北地区主体属于干旱-半干旱区,水资源短缺且时空分配不均。以往的水文地质工作围绕城乡生活、工农业和牧业生产用水开展了大量的地下水资源调查评价和科学研究,对供水安全保障发挥了至关重要的作用。随着全球气候变化对水文水资源条件影响的加剧,以及西部大开发形成新格局、黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展等国家战略的实施,西北地区的水资源安全形势发生了显著变化并对供水保障提出了更高的要求。笔者在回顾总结已有工作水文地质进展与成果、梳理西北地区水资源安全面临问题和挑战的基础上,提出了未来水文地质工作应围绕地下水库探测、微咸水资源开发利用、地表水地下水联合调度3大方向加强调查研究,以及基于天然和人类工程活动遗留的地下空间调蓄水资源,从8个方面着力解决问题与应对挑战的总体建议。Abstract: Northwest China mainly belongs to arid and semi-arid region, where water resources are scarce and unevenly distributed spatio-temporally. In the past, a large number of investigations and evaluation of groundwater resources and scientific research were carried out around water use for urban and rural life, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry production, and played a crucial role in the security of water supply. With the increasing impact of global climate change on hydrological and water conditions, the implementation of national strategies, such as the construction of a new development pattern in western China and ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, the situation of water resources security in northwest China has changed significantly and higher requirements for water supply security have been put forward. Based on the review of existing work and summarization of the development and achievement, it is suggested that the investigation and research should be strengthened in three aspects, including the exploration of underground reservoirs, the exploitation and utilization of brackish water resources, and the joint operation of surface water and groundwater in the future hydrogeology work. Suggestions to solve the problems and meet the challenges from eight aspects are also put forward based on the underground space formed by natural and human engineering activities in this paper.
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