摘要: 西部黄土地区特殊的自然地理环境和地质构造背景,加之黄土特殊的工程特性,使得区内滑坡、崩塌、泥流等地质灾害多发、频发,举世瞩目的黄土高原更是全国的地质灾害高发区和防治重点区。自20世纪50年代,区内陆续开展了与地质灾害相关的调查评价工作,特别是通过“十二五”和“十三五”期间的工作,基本查明了区内地质灾害的成灾规律,探索了黄土地质灾害早期识别、调查技术方法、监测预警、风险评价等关键技术,搭建了自然资源部黄土地质灾害重点实验室和野外科学观测站等平台,有效支撑了西北各省区地质灾害综合防治体系的建立。笔者在回顾以往工作成果的基础上,结合近年来受极端气候和人类工程活动影响,分析了西部黄土区地质灾害防治面临的新形势,提出了基于强化地质灾害风险调查、优化和完善监测技术、构建隐患点与风险区双管控的风险管控模式,进一步整体提升西北黄土地区地质灾害防控水平的建议。Abstract: The geo-hazards such as slide, collapse and mud flow occur frequently due to the natural geographical environment, geological structure in western China and the special engineering characteristics of loess. The loess Plateau, which attracts worldwide attention, is a high susceptibility area for geo-hazards and a key area for its mitigation in China. Since the 1950s, the landslides investigation and evaluation have been conducted. In particular, through the relevant work during the 12th Five-Year Plan and the 13th five-year Plan period, the regularity of geo-hazards in the area has been basically found out, the key technologies such as early recognition, field investigation, monitoring and early warning, and risk assessment of loess geo-hazards has been explored, the key Laboratory of Loess geo-hazards and field scientific observation stations of the Ministry of Natural Resources has been built, which effectively supports the establishment of comprehensive geo-hazards mitigation system in the Northwest China. On the basis of reviewing the previous work achievements, combined with the influence of extreme climate changes and human engineering activities in recent years, this paper analyzes the new situation of loess geo-hazards prevention in the western loess regions. In order to further improve the loess geo-hazards mitigation of western China, several suggestions are put forward, such as strengthen the geo-hazards risk investigation, improve the monitoring technologies targeted to loess geo-hazards, construct the geo-hazards risk management considering both the potential loess geo-hazards and the geo-hazards susceptibility areas.
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