Study on Process Mineralogy of a Tungsten Ore in Yunnan Province
Abstract:By applying chemical phase analysis, mineral liberation analyzer (MLA), SEM, optical microscope and energy spectrum analysis, the mineral composition, grain size and occurrence states of valuable minerals are studied in this article, also the beneficiability of the ore is analyzed, which provides a theoretical basis for the effective separation of the ore. Results show that the valuable elements of the tungsten ore are WO3, Au and Ag. Tungsten exists in the form of scheelite and its particle size is coarse, so it is suitable for gravity separation. Scheelite is mainly distributed in non-metallic minerals (quartz and calcite) in the form of massive star point, forming a semi regular association or inclusion relationship, so it is necessary to improve the grinding fineness to ensure the recovery rate of tungsten concentrate.
Key words:
- Tungsten ore /
- Process mineralogy /
- Embedded features /
- Occurrence states
表 1 原矿多元素化学分析/%
Table 1. Main chemical composition analysis results of the ore
Au* Ag* Pb Cu Zn TFe SiO2 WO3 Cd Co Ni Sb 0.10 12 0.025 0.035 0.051 4.00 55.26 0.58 0.002 0.002 0.014 0.0002 Bi S Mo As CaO MgO Al2O3 K2O Na2O P 烧失量 0.0033 0.74 0.004 0.0055 11.96 3.46 5.10 2.35 0.14 0.076 11.15 *单位为:g/t。 表 2 矿石矿物组成及含量
Table 2. Mineral composition and content of the ore
矿物 含量/% 矿物 含量/% 白钨矿 0.58 石英 44.67 钨铅矿 少量 方解石 24.35 黄铜矿 0.03 白云石 4.78 磁黄铁矿 0.62 绢(白)云母 20.56 黄铁矿 0.71 萤石 0.35 褐铁矿 1.32 石墨 少量 闪锌矿、菱锌矿 0.05 绿泥石 少量 方铅矿、白铅矿 少量 菱锰矿 少量 辉银矿 两粒* 注:辉银矿仅见于扫描电镜下 表 3 原矿钨物相分析结果
Table 3. Phase analysis of tungsten ore
名称 钨华中
WO3合计 含量/% 0.11 0.45 0.012 0.572 占有率/% 19.23 78.67 2.10 100.00 表 4 白钨矿化学成分/%
Table 4. Chemical composition of scheelite
名称 O Ca W 1 23.85 13.49 62.66 2 25.15 13.36 61.49 3 22.06 13.61 64.33 4 21.59 13.82 64.59 平均 23.16 13.57 63.27 理论值 63.92 表 5 白钨矿的粒度分析
Table 5. Particle size analysis of scheelite
粒级/mm 比粒径/d 颗粒数/n 体积含量/nd 分布率/% 备注 +1.28 128 12 1536 19.56 83.74 −1.28+0.64 64 23 1472 18.74 −0.64+0.32 32 36 1152 14.67 −0.32+0.16 16 85 1360 17.32 −0.16+0.08 8 132 1056 13.45 −0.08+0.04 4 204 816 10.39 16.26 −0.04+0.02 2 182 364 4.64 −0.02 1 97 97 1.24 合计 771 7853 100.00 -
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