Preparation of Foamed Ceramic Materials from Fly Ash and Blast Furnace Slags
这是一篇陶瓷及复合材料领域的论文。以粉煤灰和高炉渣为主要原料,外加碳化硅(SiC)为高温发泡剂,硼酸钠(Na2B2O7)为助熔剂,采用高温烧结法制备发泡陶瓷材料。主要研究了原料配比、SiC添加量及Na2B2O7添加量对发泡陶瓷的气泡结构、体积密度、吸水率、抗压强度及导热系数的影响。实验结果表明:当粉煤灰含量为70%,高炉渣含量为30%,并额外添加0.3% SiC粉末和5% Na2B2O7,在烧成温度1 100 ℃下保温40 min时,发泡陶瓷具有较佳的综合性能,其体积密度为0.516 g/cm3,吸水率为3.82%,抗压强度为3.62 MPa,导热系数为0.094 W/(m·K)。且该条件下样品的主要物相包括石英相(SiO2)、钙长石(CaAl2Si2O8)和辉石相(Ca(Mg,Al,Fe)Si2O6),大量晶体的析出促进了材料强度的提升。本研究为粉煤灰和高炉渣等工业固体废弃物转成高附加值的建筑保温材料提供一种新方法。
Abstract:This is an article in the field of ceramics and composites.The high-temperature sintering method was used to prepare foamed ceramics by using fly ash and blast furnace slag as the main raw materials, adding silicon carbide (SiC) as a high temperature foaming agent and sodium borate (Na2B2O7) as a flux. The effects of raw material ratio, SiC addition and Na2B2O7 addition on the bubble structure, bulk density, water absorption, compressive strength and thermal conductivity of foamed ceramics were mainly studied. The experimental results showed that when the fly ash was 70%, the blast furnace slag was 30%, 0.3% SiC powder and 5% Na2B2O7 were added additionally, and the sintering temperature was 1 100℃ for 40 min, the foamed ceramic had the best comprehensive properties, and its bulk density was 0.516 g/cm3, with water absorption rate of 3.82%, compressive strength of 3.62 MPa, thermal conductivity of 0.094 W/(m·K). The main phases of the sample under this condition included quartz phase (SiO2), anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) and pyroxene phase (Ca(Mg,Al,Fe)Si2O6), the massive precipitation of crystals enhanced the strength of the material. This research provided a new method for converting industrial solid wastes such as fly ash and blast furnace slag into high value-added building insulation materials.
Key words:
- Ceramics and composites /
- Foamed ceramics /
- Fly ash /
- Blast furnace slag /
- Bubble structure /
- Comprehensive properties
表 1 粉煤灰和高炉渣的化学成分/%
Table 1. Chemical composition of fly ash and blast furnace slags
名称 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O L.O.I 粉煤灰 57.14 23.63 4.88 1.13 4.15 1.42 2.24 0.76 4.65 高炉渣 33.81 14.12 0.69 0.57 41.82 6.27 0.33 0.46 1.93 表 2 实验配方/%
Table 2. Test formula
样品编号 粉煤灰 高炉渣 碳化硅 硼酸钠 A1 50 50 0.3 5 A2 60 40 0.3 5 A3 70 30 0.3 5 A4 80 20 0.3 5 A5 90 10 0.3 5 表 3 样品的化学组成/%
Table 3. Chemical composition of samples
样品编号 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O L.O.I A1 45.48 18.88 2.78 0.85 22.99 3.85 1.28 0.61 3.29 A2 47.81 19.83 3.20 0.90 19.22 3.36 1.47 0.64 3.56 A3 50.14 20.78 3.62 0.96 15.45 2.88 1.67 0.67 3.84 A4 52.47 21.73 4.04 1.02 11.69 2.39 1.86 0.70 4.11 A5 54.81 22.68 4.46 1.07 7.92 1.91 2.05 0.73 4.38 -
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