Acid Production Potential of Lead-zinc Waste Rocks and Analysis of Heavy Metal Eluviating at Simulated Strong Acid Rain Environment
这是一篇矿山生态修复领域的论文。矿山开发过程中不可避免产生大量废石,废石中重金属元素在风化、淋溶等作用下释放,将对矿区周边水土环境质量产生影响。为了研究某铅锌矿废石重金属元素淋溶规律,分析了该废石的化学组成和产酸潜力。模拟强酸雨环境下,分析了废石中重金属元素溶出率及淋溶前后废石的矿物组成。结果表明:该废石中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As元素无独立矿物,在废石中分散赋存;废石酸中和能力较高,净产酸量NAG为0 kg H2SO4/t,无产酸潜力。在模拟强酸雨淋溶实验中,淋出液pH值均呈弱碱性,这与废石含较多的碱性矿物有关,废石具有一定的酸缓冲能力;第1轮淋溶过程Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As元素随淋溶时间延长累积溶出率逐渐升高;第2轮淋溶2周期后Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd元素累积溶出率趋于稳定,后续基本不溶出;As元素累积溶出率随淋溶时间延长而升高;总体而言,废石中重金属溶出率低。废石淋溶前后矿物成分不变,矿物含量略有变化。本文可为矿山废石堆场管理及其周边重金属污染防治提供依据。
Abstract:This is an article in the field of ecological restoration of mines. A large amount of waste rock is inevitably produced in the process of mine development, and the release of heavy metal elements in the waste rock at the effect of weathering and eluviating will pose a threat to the water-and-soil quality around the mining area. In order to study the eluviating rule of heavy metal elements in lead-zinc waste rocks, the chemical composition and acid production potential of the waste rocks were analyzed. The leaching rates of heavy metal elements in the waste rocks and their mineral composition before and after eluviating were analyzed at simulated strong acid rain environment. The results showed that heavy metals elements of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, A sin the waste rocks had no independent minerals and were dispersed. The waste rocks had an ability of high acid neutralization, whose NAG was 0, with no acid production potential. In the eluviating tests at simulated strong acid rain environment, the pH values of leached solution were weakly alkaline, which was related to the waste rocks containing more alkaline minerals, and the waste rocks had a certain acid buffer capacity. The cumulative leaching rates of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and As increased with the leaching time in the first round. After the second round, the cumulative leaching rates of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd tended to be stable, with almost nothing dissolved in the subsequent cycles. The cumulative leaching rates of As increased with the leaching time. In general, the leaching rates of heavy metals in the waste rocks were low. The mineral composition of the waste rocks was stable before and after leaching, and the mineral contents changed slightly. This article can provide a basis for the management of mine waste-rock dumps and the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution around them.
表 1 废石中重金属元素结果/(mg/kg)
Table 1. Results of heavy metal elements in waste rocks
名称 Cu Pb Zn Cr Ni Cd As Hg 废石中的含量 470 620 1 200 87 73 6 120 0.079 农用地土壤污染风险筛选值 50 100 200 250 70 0.4 30 0.5 宜春土壤背景值[24] 22.14 33.01 71.3 58.08 21.43 0.11 11.67 0.1 表 2 淋溶前后废石矿物成分检测结果/%
Table 2. Results of waste rocks mineral composition before and after eluviating test
矿物名称 废石 废石淋溶渣 石英 50~55 50~55 白云母 20~25 20~25 白云石 8~10 8~10 菱铁矿 6~8 4~6 斜长石 4~6 5~7 高岭石 1 3 黄铁矿 1 1 -
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