The construction and verification of a water index in the complex environment based on GF-2 images
摘要: 高分二号(GF-2)影像的高空间分辨率有助于获得更为准确的水体分布信息。针对现有水体指数难以应对复杂环境、高空间分辨率的遥感影像水体提取时易出现“椒盐”现象的问题,基于GF-2影像进行了水体指数的构建及验证。首先,通过分析各地表覆盖物的波谱信息,构建了一种综合水体指数(comprehensive water index,CWI),并进行精度验证; 其次,通过图像分割结合水体指数进行水体提取并进行精度验证; 然后,为了充分利用光谱信息和发挥分类器的优势,将分割后同质对象的光谱信息与水体指数组合作为分类器的输入数据,进行水体提取并进行精度验证; 最后,验证综合水体指数在WorldView-2影像和GF-1影像的适用性。经过研究可知: ①新构建的综合水体指数在进行水体提取时,能够有效抑制阴影、建筑物、道路、植被、裸土等地表覆盖的影响,精度明显提高; ②通过图像分割结合水体指数提取水体信息能有效抑制“椒盐”现象的产生; ③分类器结合水体指数能有效提高水体提取精度; ④综合水体指数同样适用WorldView-2影像和GF-1影像。综上分析,综合水体指数能够有效地提取水体信息,可用于河流、湖泊的提取和更新,池塘养殖面积的调查等,是一种高精度的水体提取方法。Abstract: The high spatial resolution of GF-2 images helps to obtain more accurate water distribution information. This study constructed a water index based on GF-2 images and verified it, aiming to solve the problem that the salt and pepper noise is prone to occur when the existing water indices are used to extract information on water bodies in complex environments from high-resolution remote sensing images. Firstly, this study established a comprehensive water index (CWI) by analyzing the spectral information of surface coverings and verified its precision. Secondly, information on water bodies was extracted through image segmentation combined with the CWI, and the extraction precision was verified. Then, to fully utilize the spectral information and the advantages of a classifier, the spectral information on the segmented homogeneous objects and the CWI were combined as the input data of the classifier to extract information on water bodies and verify the extraction precision. Finally, this study verified the applicability of the CWI in both WorldView-2 and GF-1 images. The results are as follows. ① The newly constructed CWI can effectively suppress the impacts of surface coverings, such as shadow, buildings, roads, vegetation, and bare soil, thus significantly improving the extraction precision. ② Extracting information on water bodies through image segmentation combined with the CWI can effectively inhibit the occurrence of the pepper and salt noise. ③ A classifier combined with a water index can effectively improve the information extraction precision of water bodies. ④ The CWI is applicable to both WorldView-2 and GF-1 images. In sum, the CWI can be used to effectively extract information on water bodies and applies to the information extraction and renewal of rivers and lakes and the surveys of the cultivation area of pounds and thereby is a high-precision method for extraction information of water bodies.
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