A comparative study of the identification of hidden landslide hazards based on time series InSAR techniques
摘要: 星载合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(interferometric synthetic aperture Radar, InSAR)具有非接触、大范围、空间覆盖范围广、监测精度高等优势,目前广泛用于地质灾害监测。该文以植被密集区域四川省雅安市为研究区,利用时序InSAR技术(Stacking技术、小基线集(small baseline subset,SBAS)技术)开展滑坡隐患识别对比分析,通过对比基于Sentinel-1数据利用不同时序InSAR技术获取的地表形变速率图,发现SBAS结果受各种误差影响较小,监测效果较Stacking结果更好; 对基于地表形变速率图解译的滑坡隐患结合野外调查结果进行统计分析发现,Stacking技术识别的隐患点数目最高, SBAS技术的隐患识别准确率最高,因此,在顾及滑坡隐患点的漏判和准确率上,在雅安市建议采用SBAS技术和Stacking技术相结合的形式开展滑坡隐患早期识别。Abstract: The spaceborne interferometric synthetic aperture Radar (InSAR) techniques have been widely used in geological disaster monitoring at present due to their advantages of non-contact, large scope, wide space coverage, and high monitoring accuracy. With Ya’an City with dense vegetation as the experimental area, this study comparatively analyzed the identification of hidden landslide hazards based on time series InSAR techniques (stacking and SBAS). By comparing the surface deformation rate maps obtained using different time series InSAR techniques based on the Sentinel-1 data, it was found that the results of the SBAS technique were less vulnerable to various errors and achieved better monitoring results than the Stacking technique. The statistical analyses of hidden landslide hazards interpreted from the surface deformation rate map, as well as the field survey results, revealed that more hidden hazards were identified using the Stacking technique than those identified using the SBAS technique, while the SBAS technique yielded higher accuracy than the Stacking technique. Therefore, it is recommended to combine SBAS and Stacking techniques to carry out the early identification of landslide hazards in Ya'an City.
Key words:
- landslide /
- identification of hidden hazards /
- time series InSAR technique /
- Ya’an City
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