PS correction of InSAR time series deformation monitoring for a certain collapse in Longli County
摘要: 基于永久散射体的信号在很长时间范围内都能保持较高的干涉相干性的优点,为了解决小基线集合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(small baseline subset interferometric synthetic aperture Radar,SBAS-InSAR)轨道精炼步骤时人工选择地面控制点可能会影响到监测结果这一问题,首先,该文将永久散射体与SBAS-InSAR结合,通过设置相干系数的阈值、振幅离差指数的阈值以及地表形变速率的阈值选出稳定的永久散射体,并将这些点作为SBAS-InSAR轨道精炼中的地面控制点,从而修正监测结果的准确度; 然后,选用2019年9月1日—2021年4月11日20景覆盖贵州省龙里县洗马镇的Sentinel-1A双极化影像为主要数据源,进行地表形变监测; 最后,将该方法所得结果、人工选择地面控制点的方法所得结果与北斗位移监测数据进行对比分析,可知该文方法比人工选择地面控制点的方法更精准。
- 永久散射体 /
- 多重阈值 /
- 地面控制点
Abstract: The signals of permanent scatterers can maintain high interferometric coherence for a long time. To solve the problem that manually selecting ground control points may affect the monitoring results during the orbit refinement of the SBAS-InSAR, this study combined permanent scatterers with SBAS-InSAR. Firstly, by setting the thresholds of the coherence coefficient, the amplitude dispersion index, and the surface deformation rate, this study selected robust permanent scatterers as the ground control points in the orbit refinement of the SBAS-InSAR in order to correct the accuracy of the monitoring results. Then, this study selected 20 scenes of Sentinel-1A dual-polarization images that covered Xima Town, Longli County, Guizhou Province from September 1, 2019 to April 11, 2021 as the main data source for surface deformation monitoring. Finally, this study compared the results obtained using the proposed method and those obtained through manually selecting ground control points with the displacement monitoring data of the Beidou satellite, concluding that the data obtained using the method proposed in this study were more accurate.-
Key words:
- permanent scatterer /
- multi-threshold /
- ground control points
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