天然气水合物是21世纪最具潜力的新型洁净能源之一,同时也是目前尚未开发的储量巨大的一种新能源。全球天然气水合物蕴藏的天然气资源总量约为2.1×1016 m3,相当于全球已探明传统化石燃料碳总量的2倍,主要分布于世界深水海域和永久冻土带中。随着中国在南海神狐海域的试采取得圆满成功,天然气水合物资源的开发利用越来越多地受到世人的关注与重视,但如何安全、经济、高效开采这种新能源,仍需投入大量人力物力进一步开展研究工作。笔者从世界主要国家天然气水合物资源的勘查试采现状入手,分析其开发利用趋势,系统梳理存在问题,提出加快推进天然气水合物勘查试采产业化的启示。
Abstract:Gas hydrate is one of the most promising new clean energy sources for the 21st century. It is also a new energy source with huge reserve. The total natural gas resources of gas hydrates in the world, as estimated, is about 2.1×1016m3, almost twice of the total amount of proven traditional fossil fuels in the world. It occurs mainly in deep waters and permafrost of the earth. With China′s first success in trial mining of gas hydrate in the Shenhu area of the South China Sea, the development and utilization of gas hydrate resources has attracted more and more attention from the world. However,to safely, economically and efficiently exploit this kind of new energy still needs a lot of efforts and scientific researches. This paper started from an introduction to some cases of gas hydrate researches and testing exploitations in the world, then discussed its future trends of development and utilization. Some key problems were discussed, and finally some observations proposed to accelerate the industrialization of gas hydrate surveys and exploitations in China.
Key words:
- gas hydrate /
- survey /
- test exploitation /
- industrialization
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