New discovery of Jurassic dinosaur fossils in Chaya area, Qamdu district, Tibet
Abstract:The dinosaur fossils were discovered in Jurassic red beds in Chaya area, Qamdu district, Tibet, mainly including ribs, vertebral bodies and so on, and their well preserved cervical vertebrae and scapula and pubis were morphologically described.Despite some difficulties in the attribution of species since few materials have been discovered so far, the discovery enriches the Jurassic dinosaur-bearing localities.Many dinosaur bones have been discovered in this area, indicating that they are relatively abundant.Further exploration and study of dinosaur fossils in the region will help us better understand the early evolution and differentiation of sauropods and theropods in Asia.
Key words:
- Jurassic /
- dinosaur fossils /
- Dongdaqiao Formation /
- Chaya area, Qamdu district
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