
张连祥, 刘平华, 田忠华, 周万蓬, 王义龙, 王宏宇, 张文, 张传恒. 胶北地体荆山群禄格庄组沉积时代与物源——来自山东沐浴店地区长石石英岩碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄与稀土元素的新证据[J]. 地质通报, 2021, 40(1): 164-188.
引用本文: 张连祥, 刘平华, 田忠华, 周万蓬, 王义龙, 王宏宇, 张文, 张传恒. 胶北地体荆山群禄格庄组沉积时代与物源——来自山东沐浴店地区长石石英岩碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄与稀土元素的新证据[J]. 地质通报, 2021, 40(1): 164-188.
ZHANG Lianxiang, LIU Pinghua, TIAN Zhonghua, ZHOU Wanpeng, WANG Yilong, WANG Hongyu, ZHANG Wen, ZHANG Chuanheng. Depositional timing and provenance of the Lugezhuang Formation in the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane: New evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages and rare earth elements of arkose-quartzite in Mayudian, Shandong Province[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(1): 164-188.
Citation: ZHANG Lianxiang, LIU Pinghua, TIAN Zhonghua, ZHOU Wanpeng, WANG Yilong, WANG Hongyu, ZHANG Wen, ZHANG Chuanheng. Depositional timing and provenance of the Lugezhuang Formation in the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane: New evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages and rare earth elements of arkose-quartzite in Mayudian, Shandong Province[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(1): 164-188.


  • 基金项目:
    作者简介: 张连祥(1987-), 男, 在读博士生, 古生物学与地层学专业。E-mail: geoffreyzhang1105@163.com
    通讯作者: 刘平华(1981-), 男, 博士, 副研究员, 从事变质地质学与早前寒武纪地质研究。E-mail: lph1213@126.com
  • 中图分类号: P534.3;P588.34+.1;P597+.3

Depositional timing and provenance of the Lugezhuang Formation in the Jingshan Group in the Jiaobei terrane: New evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages and rare earth elements of arkose-quartzite in Mayudian, Shandong Province

More Information
  • 荆山群禄格庄组是胶北地体古元古代变沉积岩系最重要的组成部分之一,准确测定其原岩沉积时代与物质源区,对进一步探讨荆山群与粉子山群之间的成因关系具有重要的地质意义。以山东莱阳沐浴店地区出露的禄格庄组长石石英岩为研究对象,通过对长石石英岩中碎屑锆石内部矿物包体、阴极发光图像、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年与稀土元素组成的综合研究发现,沐浴店地区禄格庄组长石石英岩的碎屑锆石207Pb/206Pb年龄介于2502~1970 Ma之间,其中最小一组碎屑锆石上交点年龄为2079 Ma,结合沐浴店地区禄格庄组记录了1934 Ma变质年龄,初步限定沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组的原岩沉积时代为2079~1934 Ma。综合以上研究及相关数据表明,荆山群禄格庄组、南辽河群里尔峪组和集安群蚂蚁河组的碎屑锆石都具有2200~2100 Ma的单峰年龄;而粉子山群小宋组-祝家夼组、北辽河群浪子山组与老岭群达台山组都以出现大于2500 Ma的峰值年龄为特征。结合胶-辽-吉带的其他地质数据,推测粉子山群小宋组与祝家夼组沉积时可能靠近被动大陆边缘的一侧,而荆山群禄格庄组可能更靠近岩浆岛弧的一侧,二者可能属于同时异相沉积的产物。

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  • 图 1  胶北前寒武纪变质地质简图

    Figure 1. 

    图 2  沐浴店地区前寒武纪地质简图

    Figure 2. 

    图 3  胶北地体荆山群与粉子山群地层柱状图

    Figure 3. 

    图 4  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组长石石英岩野外露头照片

    Figure 4. 

    图 图版Ⅰ   

    Figure 图版Ⅰ. 

    图 5  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组长石石英岩锆石阴极发光图像与207Pb/206Pb年龄

    Figure 5. 

    图 6  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组长石石英岩中锆石U-Pb谐和图(a、c、e)、年龄频率直方图(b) 与稀土元素配分模式图

    Figure 6. 

    图 7  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组碎屑锆石稀土元素成因图解

    Figure 7. 

    图 8  胶-辽-吉带古元古代变沉积岩系碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄频率直方图

    Figure 8. 

    图 图版Ⅱ   

    Figure 图版Ⅱ. 

    表 1  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组长石石英岩碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb定年结果

    Table 1.  LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb data of detrital zircons from the arkose-quartzite of the Lugezhuang Formation of Jingshan Group in the Muyudian area of the Jiaobei terrane

    样品分析点 含量/10-6 Th/U 同位素比值 年龄/Ma 谐和度/%
    TotalPb CommonPb Th U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U
    第一组(碎屑)锆石:上交点年龄为2459±50 Ma
    D0313-2-31 342.82 1.07 130.03 673.31 0.19 0.164304 0.002192 10.317578 0.183986 0.450324 0.004813 2502 22 2464 17 2397 21 95.80
    D0313-2-47 183.02 0.00 268.32 294.70 0.91 0.160619 0.001868 10.823730 0.167921 0.486757 0.005946 2462 21 2508 15 2557 26 96.16
    D0313-2-87 309.40 0.78 328.79 602.89 0.55 0.160444 0.001869 9.809649 0.140354 0.440455 0.005126 2460 20 2417 13 2353 23 95.63
    D0313-2-09 120.03 0.00 177.57 194.75 0.91 0.159908 0.002233 10.458022 0.175396 0.471245 0.006030 2455 24 2476 16 2489 26 98.60
    D0313-2-67 266.19 1.78 389.10 538.91 0.72 0.152276 0.001734 8.211756 0.105548 0.388657 0.003433 2372 19 2255 12 2117 16 89.24
    D0313-2-49 343.92 12.63 357.36 689.22 0.52 0.150658 0.002692 8.615182 0.259699 0.407798 0.005562 2353 30 2298 27 2205 25 93.69
    D0313-2-64 218.34 0.30 239.97 453.19 0.53 0.148075 0.001869 8.368172 0.129884 0.407292 0.004881 2324 22 2272 14 2203 22 94.78
    D0313-2-20 116.41 1.22 150.86 276.69 0.55 0.146187 0.001701 7.352002 0.118077 0.362078 0.004690 2302 19 2155 14 1992 22 86.55
    D0313-2-53 657.50 62.75 1934.90 2222.35 0.87 0.144087 0.001727 5.553087 0.117791 0.282464 0.006256 2277 20 1909 18 1604 31 70.44
    D0313-2-76 630.68 15.83 706.41 2212.25 0.32 0.143485 0.001546 5.119738 0.113832 0.257597 0.005375 2269 19 1839 19 1478 28 65.11
    第二组(碎屑)锆石:上交点年龄为2079±13 Ma
    D0313-2-52 235.93 3.98 273.76 590.81 0.46 0.137678 0.001501 7.128001 0.117417 0.374441 0.005313 2198 19 2128 15 2050 25 93.26
    D0313-2-81 642.18 54.24 1214.84 4161.04 0.29 0.136880 0.001785 2.846505 0.056165 0.149788 0.002535 2188 23 1368 15 900 14 41.12
    D0313-2-28 126.53 0.32 137.53 276.57 0.50 0.136602 0.001576 7.716779 0.111095 0.407669 0.004613 2184 21 2199 13 2204 21 99.08
    D0313-2-44 76.95 0.62 87.53 161.34 0.54 0.136302 0.001657 7.839649 0.127024 0.415081 0.004799 2181 20 2213 15 2238 22 97.36
    D0313-2-35 143.29 0.61 82.67 360.42 0.23 0.135889 0.001751 7.704244 0.135063 0.408459 0.005016 2176 22 2197 16 2208 23 98.52
    D0313-2-75 149.77 0.16 139.58 326.30 0.43 0.134562 0.001588 7.620064 0.117208 0.408957 0.004929 2158 25 2187 14 2210 23 97.60
    D0313-2-10 482.38 23.66 1317.80 2367.15 0.56 0.134330 0.001780 3.199582 0.080573 0.172532 0.004337 2155 29 1457 20 1026 24 47.61
    D0313-2-84 92.89 0.06 88.97 206.91 0.43 0.133970 0.001810 7.320846 0.112504 0.392638 0.004037 2151 23 2151 14 2135 19 99.26
    D0313-2-74 276.93 1.46 224.14 637.78 0.35 0.133864 0.001656 6.967157 0.100085 0.375887 0.003666 2150 22 2107 13 2057 17 95.68
    D0313-2-50 170.21 0.00 219.74 354.46 0.62 0.133160 0.001591 7.499542 0.116743 0.407521 0.005241 2140 20 2173 14 2204 24 97.02
    D0313-2-85 137.89 0.00 180.45 280.59 0.64 0.133053 0.001704 7.616683 0.123978 0.411433 0.004985 2139 22 2187 15 2221 23 96.12
    D0313-2-36 77.67 0.46 72.97 178.34 0.41 0.132250 0.001602 7.439639 0.122668 0.406332 0.005190 2128 22 2166 15 2198 24 96.71
    D0313-2-63 265.45 1.19 414.77 514.38 0.81 0.131761 0.001575 7.521773 0.130190 0.411246 0.005823 2121 20 2176 16 2221 27 95.32
    D0313-2-65 341.59 4.82 340.22 1137.84 0.30 0.131479 0.001782 5.187172 0.100385 0.284632 0.004460 2118 24 1851 17 1615 22 76.25
    D0313-2-32 152.78 0.00 264.39 315.19 0.84 0.131309 0.001768 7.371154 0.132991 0.405714 0.005864 2117 24 2157 16 2195 27 96.29
    D0313-2-98 457.23 11.00 1071.88 1309.60 0.82 0.130825 0.001408 5.193504 0.090757 0.286554 0.004341 2109 14 1852 15 1624 22 77.02
    D0313-2-71 234.06 2.68 297.62 515.68 0.58 0.130359 0.001431 7.034199 0.105083 0.389615 0.004627 2103 19 2116 13 2121 21 99.13
    D0313-2-82 124.41 0.00 123.98 270.96 0.46 0.130244 0.001897 7.336817 0.136052 0.404550 0.005274 2102 26 2153 17 2190 24 95.81
    D0313-2-58 136.50 0.25 141.51 288.91 0.49 0.129428 0.001591 7.334105 0.125839 0.408718 0.005297 2100 27 2153 15 2209 24 94.81
    D0313-2-01 312.38 1.81 280.30 720.87 0.39 0.130061 0.001780 6.855733 0.110357 0.379755 0.004191 2099 24 2093 14 2075 20 98.86
    D0313-2-23 654.42 26.25 1413.46 2977.29 0.47 0.129830 0.001441 3.474612 0.055092 0.193113 0.002782 2095 20 1521 13 1138 15 54.32
    D0313-2-13 186.54 0.00 216.04 394.58 0.55 0.129672 0.001984 6.992268 0.116930 0.387559 0.005001 2094 27 2110 15 2111 23 99.19
    D0313-2-96 182.33 0.67 131.03 404.27 0.32 0.129591 0.001446 7.400142 0.110540 0.412027 0.004890 2092 25 2161 13 2224 22 93.70
    D0313-2-66 304.14 1.36 279.22 719.83 0.39 0.129266 0.001521 6.781121 0.097513 0.377798 0.003931 2088 16 2083 13 2066 18 98.95
    D0313-2-61 170.17 0.68 119.20 407.20 0.29 0.129148 0.001418 6.853767 0.094391 0.383014 0.004164 2087 14 2093 12 2090 19 99.84
    D0313-2-97 187.33 0.56 287.15 397.07 0.72 0.129036 0.001408 6.998725 0.099370 0.391592 0.004412 2085 20 2111 13 2130 20 97.83
    D0313-2-55 139.88 0.93 124.42 340.33 0.37 0.128695 0.001601 6.690595 0.103271 0.375636 0.004237 2080 22 2071 14 2056 20 98.84
    D0313-2-60 190.80 0.79 339.37 408.51 0.83 0.128626 0.001459 6.813556 0.099223 0.381814 0.003972 2079 20 2087 13 2085 19 99.74
    D0313-2-14 167.57 0.24 177.51 383.14 0.46 0.128087 0.002184 6.822021 0.125776 0.382597 0.005345 2072 29 2089 16 2088 25 99.20
    D0313-2-59 167.79 0.00 154.81 361.52 0.43 0.127481 0.001505 7.168968 0.116551 0.405622 0.005139 2065 21 2133 15 2195 24 93.70
    D0313-2-86 105.78 1.15 150.81 211.31 0.71 0.127495 0.001616 7.677796 0.135224 0.432704 0.005931 2065 22 2194 16 2318 27 87.74
    D0313-2-11 70.37 0.88 72.99 159.44 0.46 0.127561 0.001885 6.759441 0.116143 0.381135 0.004736 2065 26 2080 15 2082 22 99.17
    D0313-2-57 287.93 4.04 218.00 878.11 0.25 0.127559 0.001591 5.610898 0.101228 0.318702 0.004993 2065 22 1918 16 1783 24 86.38
    D0313-2-56 149.98 0.74 97.65 360.03 0.27 0.127369 0.001620 6.851884 0.126089 0.388056 0.005366 2062 23 2092 16 2114 25 97.49
    D0313-2-08 94.77 0.00 89.06 218.67 0.41 0.127179 0.001845 6.779994 0.122767 0.385056 0.005452 2061 25 2083 16 2100 25 98.12
    D0313-2-34 150.44 1.31 146.87 394.73 0.37 0.127225 0.001534 6.106284 0.096410 0.346768 0.004222 2061 21 1991 14 1919 20 93.11
    D0313-2-72 119.08 1.41 114.30 267.10 0.43 0.127132 0.001499 6.904510 0.114025 0.392171 0.005135 2059 20 2099 15 2133 24 96.41
    D0313-2-100 100.66 0.56 117.49 279.20 0.42 0.126977 0.001679 5.634378 0.095122 0.320392 0.003908 2057 23 1921 15 1792 19 87.08
    D0313-2-29 150.98 0.46 170.14 346.40 0.49 0.126841 0.001422 6.707494 0.101827 0.381283 0.004578 2055 20 2074 13 2082 21 98.65
    D0313-2-04 141.22 0.00 111.80 325.40 0.34 0.126677 0.001490 6.795830 0.102651 0.387084 0.004778 2054 21 2085 13 2109 22 97.29
    D0313-2-46 109.47 0.16 139.71 247.76 0.56 0.126579 0.001489 6.545514 0.091722 0.373593 0.003739 2051 20 2052 12 2046 18 99.77
    D0313-2-30 236.30 4.63 268.59 673.96 0.40 0.126402 0.001438 5.520984 0.089065 0.315436 0.004342 2050 20 1904 14 1767 21 86.21
    D0313-2-45 163.68 0.00 307.96 337.33 0.91 0.126440 0.001414 6.755026 0.092084 0.386185 0.004080 2050 20 2080 12 2105 19 97.31
    D0313-2-06 271.95 0.00 378.25 543.49 0.70 0.126308 0.001517 7.121264 0.114679 0.407128 0.005662 2047 21 2127 14 2202 26 92.45
    D0313-2-38 227.49 1.08 217.63 561.20 0.39 0.125912 0.001374 6.269407 0.084963 0.359896 0.003793 2043 14 2014 12 1982 18 97.02
    D0313-2-70 227.69 2.18 239.07 609.93 0.39 0.125931 0.001357 5.928160 0.114806 0.339742 0.005867 2043 14 1965 17 1885 28 92.31
    D0313-2-93 230.47 0.20 135.39 553.11 0.24 0.125901 0.001545 6.932249 0.118064 0.396201 0.005016 2043 22 2103 15 2152 23 94.67
    D0313-2-43 192.75 6.41 94.68 558.26 0.17 0.125800 0.001452 5.605520 0.073844 0.322768 0.003438 2040 20 1917 11 1803 17 88.40
    D0313-2-94 116.16 0.54 133.97 301.64 0.44 0.125769 0.001544 6.366794 0.121898 0.366297 0.006317 2040 22 2028 17 2012 30 98.63
    D0313-2-24 263.74 2.54 269.95 605.95 0.45 0.125735 0.001521 6.697823 0.109861 0.383558 0.005133 2039 22 2072 15 2093 24 97.37
    D0313-2-03 263.55 0.56 337.63 572.38 0.59 0.125684 0.001461 6.588739 0.091199 0.377619 0.003743 2039 21 2058 12 2065 18 98.70
    D0313-2-33 163.85 1.88 243.52 479.73 0.51 0.125695 0.001676 5.660775 0.101356 0.326002 0.004807 2039 23 1925 16 1819 23 89.23
    D0313-2-83 152.72 0.94 216.45 334.60 0.65 0.125514 0.001772 6.663105 0.108612 0.381358 0.004242 2036 25 2068 14 2083 20 97.72
    D0313-2-12 189.03 0.74 236.44 467.08 0.51 0.125483 0.001790 6.044789 0.095650 0.346136 0.004068 2035 25 1982 14 1916 20 94.14
    D0313-2-99 225.47 0.00 224.56 561.57 0.40 0.125434 0.001433 6.446847 0.103639 0.370850 0.004686 2035 20 2039 14 2033 22 99.93
    D0313-2-16 216.90 0.88 310.68 461.83 0.67 0.125267 0.002527 6.830259 0.146509 0.390850 0.006089 2032 40 2090 19 2127 28 95.36
    D0313-2-54 120.61 0.22 134.69 267.34 0.50 0.125241 0.001484 6.769911 0.113505 0.391783 0.005974 2032 21 2082 15 2131 28 95.14
    D0313-2-19 485.14 1.97 472.12 1108.97 0.43 0.124790 0.001392 6.630677 0.101614 0.381643 0.004418 2026 25 2063 14 2084 21 97.12
    D0313-2-39 333.22 5.22 602.04 995.43 0.60 0.124503 0.001400 4.735219 0.073201 0.275088 0.003624 2022 21 1773 13 1567 18 77.48
    D0313-2-68 255.59 0.87 284.35 614.04 0.46 0.124453 0.001338 6.320617 0.091024 0.366225 0.004237 2021 19 2021 13 2012 20 99.52
    D0313-2-22 538.67 13.52 744.82 1810.12 0.41 0.124349 0.001344 4.708030 0.069562 0.272693 0.003374 2020 -14 1769 12 1554 17 76.94
    D0313-2-77 322.81 1.25 402.57 753.05 0.53 0.124305 0.001343 6.306371 0.091075 0.366007 0.004298 2020 20 2019 13 2011 20 99.52
    D0313-2-40 295.40 0.76 144.53 733.29 0.20 0.124216 0.001434 6.679566 0.109809 0.388573 0.005295 2018 20 2070 15 2116 25 95.11
    D0313-2-78 493.17 7.03 587.80 1329.41 0.44 0.124215 0.001348 5.552684 0.081716 0.322434 0.003977 2018 19 1909 13 1802 19 89.29
    D0313-2-92 260.64 0.24 351.51 588.17 0.60 0.124072 0.001615 6.502133 0.103632 0.377317 0.004235 2017 23 2046 14 2064 20 97.67
    D0313-2-07 209.67 0.25 234.60 476.51 0.49 0.123918 0.001557 6.397028 0.096097 0.372078 0.004066 2013 22 2032 13 2039 19 98.71
    D0313-2-91 308.56 0.00 277.66 772.20 0.36 0.123926 0.001649 6.267300 0.096644 0.364332 0.004066 2013 23 2014 14 2003 19 99.47
    D0313-2-25 236.40 0.53 327.02 514.24 0.64 0.123781 0.001528 6.911795 0.111973 0.402036 0.005062 2013 21 2100 14 2178 23 91.78
    D0313-2-95 355.39 2.18 304.76 936.07 0.33 0.123689 0.001384 6.061128 0.085724 0.353956 0.004139 2010 20 1985 12 1953 20 97.18
    D0313-2-02 169.33 0.89 85.77 397.42 0.22 0.123390 0.001556 6.873036 0.116824 0.400887 0.005039 2006 23 2095 15 2173 23 91.66
    D0313-2-79 98.70 0.00 87.82 234.79 0.37 0.123185 0.001539 6.697304 0.109733 0.390841 0.004509 2003 22 2072 15 2127 21 93.81
    D0313-2-89 250.71 0.00 223.02 593.71 0.38 0.123182 0.001450 6.501680 0.102729 0.379676 0.004719 2003 25 2046 14 2075 22 96.41
    D0313-2-21 383.32 1.28 532.27 841.00 0.63 0.122822 0.001358 6.617329 0.091791 0.388683 0.004702 1998 14 2062 12 2117 22 94.07
    D0313-2-17 177.99 0.05 161.26 400.71 0.40 0.122469 0.001633 7.065806 0.117527 0.415358 0.005215 1992 24 2120 15 2239 24 87.60
    D0313-2-73 149.26 0.50 48.18 443.34 0.11 0.121992 0.001520 5.636605 0.100329 0.334491 0.005079 1987 22 1922 15 1860 25 93.61
    D0313-2-18 221.22 0.14 122.81 555.86 0.22 0.121041 0.001451 6.519722 0.115591 0.388207 0.005997 1972 22 2049 16 2115 28 92.79
    D0313-2-80 389.76 2.48 206.56 987.50 0.21 0.120948 0.001443 6.193448 0.091613 0.368775 0.004247 1970 21 2004 13 2024 20 97.28
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    表 2  胶北沐浴店地区荆山群禄格庄组长石石英岩碎屑锆石稀土元素分析结果

    Table 2.  Rare earth element composition of detrital zircons from the arkose-quartzite of the Lugezhuang Formation of Jingshan Group in the Muyudian area of the Jiaobei terrane 10-6

    样品分析点 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu ∑REE Eu/Eu* Ce/Ce* LuN/SmN
    D0313-2-31 0.01 6.05 0.03 0.64 1.56 0.34 10.04 3.53 46.40 18.00 90.47 20.65 235.52 43.81 477.06 0.20 54.81 169.37
    D0313-2-47 0.01 42.05 0.18 3.58 6.60 2.13 29.67 8.19 85.86 27.89 120.76 23.70 242.29 40.93 633.84 0.39 71.65 37.36
    D0313-2-87 0.15 13.10 0.27 2.47 3.51 0.67 14.04 4.27 47.18 16.25 72.54 15.12 161.19 27.23 377.99 0.25 12.43 46.77
    D0313-2-09 0.02 50.76 0.30 5.24 8.06 2.77 31.76 8.01 76.60 23.89 96.66 19.92 200.95 34.27 559.21 0.46 50.35 25.61
    D0313-2-67 2.02 39.24 2.00 13.66 13.07 4.45 40.56 11.41 121.88 39.23 175.82 36.89 403.19 69.56 972.98 0.54 4.34 32.06
    D0313-2-49 1.55 22.09 1.77 11.68 13.34 2.86 50.31 14.88 165.78 55.81 245.61 48.77 484.74 79.41 1198.62 0.30 2.87 35.85
    D0313-2-64 3.76 25.26 1.64 11.08 12.83 4.78 60.21 18.06 200.38 65.64 272.90 50.67 498.14 79.75 1305.10 0.44 2.49 37.44
    D0313-2-20 152.38 343.49 35.52 150.74 23.19 1.93 37.63 9.82 98.32 32.82 140.93 27.91 280.91 46.61 1382.19 0.20 1.10 12.11
    D0313-2-53 38.52 486.37 54.03 320.64 227.66 93.49 475.29 135.02 1232.10 313.81 1144.30 212.92 2017.89 280.38 7032.42 0.85 2.17 7.42
    D0313-2-76 9.48 55.81 11.37 74.85 74.81 24.23 166.29 47.77 407.84 101.57 389.96 73.57 716.70 104.37 2258.63 0.64 1.14 8.40
    D0313-2-52 1.60 12.61 1.53 12.37 18.15 8.65 86.73 23.85 222.84 61.97 235.80 40.41 389.56 61.73 1177.79 0.55 1.80 20.49
    D0313-2-81 43.36 304.07 61.65 399.62 343.79 139.32 684.97 187.54 1615.76 391.68 1428.82 268.25 2676.41 402.44 8947.67 0.86 1.19 7.05
    D0313-2-28 0.01 11.81 0.05 0.92 2.27 0.27 15.45 5.63 73.19 28.60 137.18 28.49 304.79 50.69 659.35 0.10 64.91 134.27
    D0313-2-44 0.13 8.00 0.30 4.27 6.38 0.58 29.36 8.93 107.60 38.38 170.99 34.16 345.60 58.97 813.66 0.11 7.03 55.71
    D0313-2-35 0.12 9.93 0.14 1.50 2.37 0.47 13.77 5.11 68.84 25.76 117.79 23.85 251.02 43.49 564.15 0.20 16.16 110.67
    D0313-2-75 0.03 14.26 0.04 0.87 2.41 0.12 13.92 4.77 62.02 23.51 109.38 22.65 236.43 40.30 530.71 0.05 82.61 100.67
    D0313-2-10 15.32 130.09 21.09 142.24 146.79 56.42 350.47 98.19 868.72 221.59 796.79 148.57 1376.17 194.60 4567.05 0.73 1.48 7.99
    D0313-2-84 0.02 14.42 0.01 0.30 0.87 0.12 5.96 2.24 32.87 14.26 77.70 18.49 224.54 43.13 434.93 0.12 230.14 297.55
    D0313-2-74 0.23 4.03 0.16 1.28 1.56 0.67 6.72 2.18 27.52 11.41 60.73 14.09 175.17 36.79 342.52 0.54 5.07 142.07
    D0313-2-50 0.00 12.62 0.05 0.83 1.64 0.34 6.20 2.03 23.40 8.56 40.94 9.07 102.67 18.48 226.83 0.29 85.77 68.03
    D0313-2-85 3.51 15.17 1.43 10.85 12.89 2.89 57.58 17.06 198.12 69.52 303.36 58.06 592.11 100.08 1442.65 0.27 1.66 46.78
    D0313-2-36 0.89 16.41 0.52 4.78 8.38 4.76 38.56 10.75 105.20 31.85 133.79 24.82 250.00 41.59 672.30 0.68 5.80 29.88
    D0313-2-63 0.32 27.90 0.56 5.93 9.97 1.86 46.31 15.02 178.89 64.11 288.55 58.52 604.24 100.52 1402.70 0.22 12.59 60.74
    D0313-2-65 3.72 34.78 4.20 26.77 26.17 8.50 77.74 23.74 238.30 75.03 314.36 60.72 604.82 96.39 1595.23 0.53 1.90 22.19
    D0313-2-32 0.03 18.18 0.23 4.29 8.15 1.39 40.44 12.45 147.47 53.74 244.48 49.60 506.84 84.42 1171.72 0.19 23.69 62.38
    D0313-2-98 15.24 88.19 16.46 102.31 96.31 43.33 245.11 75.18 727.60 191.62 712.78 129.15 1230.12 181.47 3854.88 0.82 1.21 11.35
    D0313-2-71 0.74 25.35 1.30 12.77 16.52 3.65 66.36 19.68 227.39 80.00 350.92 67.07 660.40 107.95 1640.09 0.29 4.93 39.36
    D0313-2-82 2.08 18.76 0.78 4.92 4.02 0.22 16.90 5.22 63.27 23.84 111.54 23.27 247.28 42.69 564.79 0.07 3.60 63.90
    D0313-2-58 0.03 9.71 0.11 1.45 2.74 0.22 14.11 5.04 62.78 23.54 111.64 23.49 248.47 42.99 546.35 0.09 23.57 94.36
    D0313-2-01 0.67 10.57 0.69 6.02 9.00 1.66 35.96 11.61 129.72 45.33 197.53 39.83 389.26 62.36 940.21 0.24 3.40 41.74
    D0313-2-23 35.51 215.48 37.34 251.07 252.36 92.62 512.40 134.88 1090.44 256.33 904.34 162.36 1488.38 198.26 5631.77 0.77 1.30 4.73
    D0313-2-13 0.50 14.60 0.42 5.35 7.85 0.40 36.40 12.03 145.59 55.49 254.28 51.69 530.54 89.60 1204.74 0.06 7.35 68.72
    D0313-2-96 0.70 10.49 0.96 5.94 5.28 1.39 19.81 6.48 79.12 29.13 140.09 30.32 334.79 60.75 725.26 0.37 2.63 69.31
    D0313-2-66 0.27 14.46 0.43 4.58 6.60 1.74 28.81 9.47 115.36 42.29 199.54 41.51 439.96 74.57 979.58 0.33 8.36 68.08
    D0313-2-61 0.56 6.28 0.42 5.89 6.90 0.73 23.77 6.35 65.83 22.12 97.61 19.60 205.66 35.50 497.21 0.16 3.01 31.00
    D0313-2-97 2.41 21.84 1.29 9.18 8.95 1.43 37.82 11.67 141.51 53.23 250.64 52.47 561.09 98.95 1252.48 0.20 3.00 66.61
    D0313-2-55 0.66 7.72 0.40 2.77 3.26 0.74 13.93 4.50 55.48 20.67 97.56 20.32 218.25 38.49 484.75 0.29 3.63 71.04
    D0313-2-60 0.09 10.19 0.38 5.62 10.77 0.56 60.28 21.26 264.83 93.64 407.79 76.91 735.08 114.02 1801.43 0.05 7.54 63.79
    D0313-2-14 0.16 7.67 0.48 6.07 8.44 1.72 35.25 10.22 111.47 37.21 157.35 30.72 303.47 50.15 760.39 0.26 4.41 35.78
    D0313-2-59 3.32 21.46 1.50 9.21 5.99 0.89 21.56 5.98 66.10 23.48 110.58 23.75 265.78 50.19 609.77 0.21 2.36 50.49
    D0313-2-86 0.06 16.30 0.29 4.49 6.93 2.24 30.86 8.86 102.06 37.12 171.23 35.07 378.17 66.79 860.50 0.40 15.90 58.03
    D0313-2-11 0.00 4.06 0.05 1.07 2.35 0.04 15.63 5.47 68.95 26.60 119.92 25.10 250.80 41.21 561.26 0.02 25.37 105.54
    D0313-2-57 2.24 21.62 3.24 20.57 19.70 8.03 46.25 13.97 132.13 36.67 145.82 28.42 291.73 46.20 816.60 0.78 1.62 14.12
    D0313-2-56 0.28 3.29 0.37 3.03 6.47 1.19 39.92 15.82 212.78 82.83 394.24 80.56 850.30 141.77 1832.87 0.17 2.10 131.92
    D0313-2-08 0.10 4.75 0.36 5.02 7.84 0.53 35.37 10.25 110.92 38.36 160.51 30.24 286.66 47.37 738.28 0.08 3.68 36.41
    D0313-2-34 0.56 6.42 0.72 6.40 9.24 3.69 40.18 13.21 153.07 48.82 207.75 39.42 386.54 60.50 976.51 0.50 2.11 39.44
    D0313-2-72 0.00 9.46 0.05 1.15 2.96 0.25 19.31 7.16 95.51 37.66 177.81 36.79 380.69 63.86 832.68 0.08 52.60 129.81
    D0313-2-100 0.32 6.78 0.55 5.97 9.21 1.38 50.86 16.45 194.59 70.00 306.21 58.64 593.42 98.39 1412.77 0.15 3.12 64.38
    D0313-2-29 0.04 5.12 0.38 5.93 9.90 2.11 48.83 13.94 153.23 52.18 226.51 43.81 445.16 74.07 1081.20 0.24 4.06 45.09
    D0313-2-04 0.00 2.64 0.07 1.47 4.06 0.09 25.84 9.05 113.98 42.59 190.38 38.24 379.76 62.21 870.40 0.02 10.81 92.25
    D0313-2-46 0.01 19.07 0.09 1.66 3.64 0.18 19.66 6.57 77.38 28.36 128.68 25.73 265.19 44.42 620.62 0.05 66.18 73.46
    D0313-2-30 7.29 37.79 6.03 34.33 25.37 9.34 58.51 17.54 172.53 48.87 201.14 40.74 420.71 65.56 1145.74 0.71 1.31 15.57
    D0313-2-45 0.05 25.41 0.50 8.10 13.09 1.31 56.63 16.77 193.38 67.43 295.66 57.00 575.17 95.84 1406.34 0.13 15.28 44.10
    D0313-2-06 203.90 506.95 65.49 307.77 76.06 2.81 118.62 27.24 236.31 70.62 282.74 54.33 517.15 83.19 2553.19 0.09 1.07 6.59
    D0313-2-38 0.31 5.59 0.38 3.49 6.57 0.65 34.40 11.82 147.64 54.11 250.06 49.91 509.12 83.09 1157.16 0.11 3.40 76.16
    D0313-2-70 0.63 24.37 1.09 7.96 10.19 2.95 24.30 6.50 56.92 14.99 57.88 11.30 115.53 17.48 352.07 0.55 5.66 10.33
    D0313-2-93 0.10 3.72 0.17 1.87 3.38 0.59 18.66 6.36 82.80 32.63 159.81 35.24 400.40 75.32 821.07 0.18 5.40 134.10
    D0313-2-43 0.67 6.92 0.87 6.03 8.31 2.18 31.81 9.07 86.33 24.58 98.90 19.16 195.85 31.10 521.78 0.36 1.89 22.54
    D0313-2-94 1.54 16.63 0.96 6.62 7.85 1.73 35.67 11.78 141.38 51.80 240.16 49.50 523.66 90.04 1179.33 0.27 3.26 69.10
    D0313-2-24 0.20 16.34 0.37 4.45 5.78 0.93 24.29 6.99 74.94 24.97 107.36 21.01 215.95 35.43 539.03 0.21 11.18 36.92
    D0313-2-03 0.11 16.97 0.50 7.65 14.16 0.99 66.24 19.89 222.96 77.93 334.34 64.04 612.02 98.73 1536.52 0.08 9.73 42.00
    D0313-2-33 1.58 13.73 1.53 10.49 11.34 5.03 40.10 13.04 138.52 41.61 171.09 33.08 337.04 54.27 872.46 0.64 1.97 28.82
    D0313-2-83 0.01 18.81 0.11 2.41 5.57 0.45 32.46 11.11 139.97 52.39 237.94 45.88 459.10 74.92 1081.15 0.08 50.63 80.96
    D0313-2-12 0.78 13.94 0.73 6.22 8.54 2.32 36.19 11.41 127.42 44.64 200.03 40.82 417.54 70.77 981.34 0.34 4.13 49.91
    D0313-2-99 0.58 8.26 0.82 5.78 7.96 1.21 36.63 11.73 136.85 48.35 213.50 41.77 424.35 70.59 1008.39 0.18 2.45 53.39
    D0313-2-16 0.26 17.05 0.24 3.13 4.54 1.25 22.72 7.87 101.02 41.14 253.29 45.67 508.78 93.39 1100.34 0.31 15.38 123.97
    D0313-2-54 0.03 15.71 0.26 4.08 7.07 1.16 26.04 6.65 65.30 19.53 81.07 15.39 155.76 26.11 424.15 0.23 18.01 22.26
    D0313-2-19 1.84 20.02 2.64 19.92 22.40 4.35 86.80 25.66 285.16 96.90 431.15 85.42 888.21 145.78 2116.24 0.26 1.84 39.21
    D0313-2-39 4.49 60.44 6.22 40.47 37.70 14.98 94.09 28.31 271.42 75.09 289.58 55.31 549.78 82.56 1610.46 0.73 2.34 13.19
    D0313-2-68 0.80 20.91 0.42 3.52 4.12 0.54 17.27 5.20 57.70 19.68 87.77 18.36 194.73 33.16 464.20 0.17 8.72 48.51
    D0313-2-22 26.11 145.32 24.83 153.31 130.62 53.85 280.46 81.68 766.31 192.87 689.98 124.81 1166.42 157.16 3993.73 0.84 1.28 7.25
    D0313-2-77 0.11 13.94 0.50 7.99 14.73 1.63 66.12 19.28 214.08 71.21 306.08 59.28 587.59 96.85 1459.38 0.13 7.92 39.61
    D0313-2-40 0.24 4.61 0.23 1.82 2.84 0.43 15.28 5.01 62.95 24.08 118.50 26.36 300.89 53.94 617.19 0.16 4.38 114.48
    D0313-2-78 4.66 55.78 5.54 38.30 40.20 14.81 97.18 26.88 238.16 61.90 229.95 43.03 414.92 61.69 1333.01 0.69 2.34 9.24
    D0313-2-92 0.93 29.12 0.73 7.23 9.03 0.82 34.79 10.39 115.33 39.70 176.86 36.17 378.38 65.52 904.99 0.12 8.23 43.70
    D0313-2-07 0.02 12.36 0.25 4.56 9.42 1.08 49.45 15.46 176.36 62.04 267.92 52.08 503.04 83.23 1237.25 0.12 15.06 53.22
    D0313-2-91 0.15 9.22 0.23 2.84 6.05 0.35 36.95 12.67 153.67 56.11 251.50 48.65 484.36 79.33 1142.10 0.05 9.68 78.98
    D0313-2-25 0.47 21.11 0.51 6.22 9.76 1.19 43.36 12.12 130.54 43.36 188.55 36.14 362.50 58.51 914.33 0.15 9.45 36.12
    D0313-2-95 1.37 16.84 1.56 10.31 11.29 3.39 40.14 12.62 145.79 50.51 233.57 48.15 503.70 82.46 1161.69 0.43 2.48 44.01
    D0313-2-02 0.03 2.34 0.07 1.31 3.28 0.28 21.49 7.87 102.98 40.15 190.79 41.08 429.21 73.47 914.38 0.08 8.88 134.96
    D0313-2-79 0.92 9.49 0.39 2.76 2.79 0.25 15.38 4.93 59.97 22.45 101.72 20.91 218.36 36.81 497.14 0.09 3.89 79.40
    D0313-2-89 0.29 13.32 0.11 1.26 2.11 0.21 10.70 3.55 43.42 16.05 75.91 15.96 173.16 29.48 385.53 0.11 18.46 84.25
    D0313-2-21 1.43 42.41 1.29 8.82 8.43 3.27 26.82 7.69 86.13 29.46 135.73 29.77 337.82 60.12 779.18 0.61 7.08 42.94
    D0313-2-17 0.06 8.92 0.15 2.05 4.10 0.40 22.52 7.03 84.63 30.83 141.46 28.70 299.07 49.76 679.68 0.10 16.32 73.05
    D0313-2-73 0.25 1.83 0.29 1.80 1.25 0.58 3.41 1.01 8.68 2.24 8.58 1.63 15.42 2.01 48.97 0.81 1.44 9.72
    D0313-2-18 0.72 8.15 0.52 3.66 5.51 1.15 25.09 8.21 94.99 33.43 153.42 30.65 322.37 53.29 741.17 0.25 3.14 58.27
    D0313-2-80 3.76 20.71 2.97 16.69 12.02 3.77 36.27 11.32 121.60 39.42 174.84 37.11 395.39 65.74 941.63 0.51 1.44 32.93
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