Application of hyperspectral remote sensing technology to regional geological survey and mapping in bedrock area
Abstract:Compared with the traditional multi-spectral remote sensing data, hyperspectral remote sensing has the advantage of ultra-high spectral dimension data, which makes its ability of fine recognition and discrimination of ground objects improved qualitatively.Using HyMap hyperspectral data and GF-5 hyperspectral data as data sources, the litho-structural interpretation was carried out in the bedrock area of western China.Through image enhancement processing, remote sensing geological interpretation of stratigraphic units, intrusives/veins and structures in the study area was carried out.Compared with the existing geological survey results, it is found that the hyperspectral remote sensing data is more clear and intuitive than the multispectral and high resolution data in the distribution of litho-structural information.Meanwhile, the hyperspectral remote sensing data have prominent ability to distinguish different lithology, different lithofacies and small structures, showing obvious technical advantages.The results show that hyperspectral remote sensing can provide more objective and real geological body and structure distribution for regional geological mapping in the bedrock area, and improve the efficiency and quality of geological mapping.
Key words:
- hyperspectral remote sensing /
- geological mapping /
- HyMap /
- GF-5 /
- remote sensing geology
表 1 HyMap主要技术指标
Table 1. Main technical indicators of HyMap
内容 主要指标 波长范围/nm 波段带宽/nm 光谱采样间隔/nm 波段数 VIS: 400~905 < 15 < 15 36 NIR: 880~1410 < 18 < 18 36 SWIR1:1400~1960 < 18 < 18 36 SWIR2:1950~2500 < 18 < 18 36 总波段数 144 视场角(FOV) 60° 表 2 高分五号主要技术指标
Table 2. Main technical indicators of GF-5
内容 主要指标 波长范围/nm 波段带宽/nm 光谱采样间隔/nm 波段数 VNIR: 390~1029 3.67~4.8 3.67~4.8 180 SWIR: 1005~2513 7.6~8.89 7.6~8.89 150 总波段数 330 空间分辨率/m 30 表 3 WorldView-2数据主要技术指标
Table 3. Main technical indicators of WorldView-2
内容 主要指标 传感器 全色波段 多光谱 空间分辨率/m 0.5 1.8 波长/nm 450~1040 蓝:450~510
黄:585~625 -
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