Occurrence regularity and exploration and utilization of groundwater in Zhaotong area of Wumeng Mountain
Abstract:Wumeng Mountain area is one of the main fields of the new round of poverty alleviation and development in China.The scattered farmers in Zhaotong area have long been faced with the problem of water intake and water use.On the basis of the 1:50000 hydrogeological survey project of Wumeng Mountain and through the means of ground investigation, hydrogeological test, test analysis and comprehensive research, the authors found that the distribution area of Emeishan basalt in this area is only next to soluble rock, accounting for 21.52%. It is exposed with two major characteristics of areal coverage and stripe distribution.The conditions of development of fractures and relatively gentle landform provide good prerequisite for groundwater enrichment.The number of springs is large, the distribution is wide, and the water quality is generally good.The groundwater of class Ⅲ and above reaches 89.29%, which is suitable for drinking.It is of great significance for water supply in areas where farmers live scattered.This paper aims to provide a reference for the local government to find high-quality drinking water source and solve the problem of draught in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas of Wumeng Mountain.
Key words:
- Wumeng Mountain /
- basalt /
- groundwater occurrenceregularity /
- development and utilization
表 1 玄武岩地层出露泉点流量
Table 1. Springwater flow statistics in basalt formations
泉点特征 流量区间/(L·s-1) <0.5 0.5~1.0 1.0~5.0 5.0~10.0 >10.0 泉点数量/个 275 57 39 5 7 占比/% 71.80 14.88 10.18 1.31 1.83 表 2 玄武岩地层水文地质钻孔涌水量
Table 2. Statistics of hydrogeological borehole water in basalt formations
钻孔编号 地理位置 孔深/m 涌水量
/(m3·d-1)地貌类型 ZK14 巧家县马树镇 60.00 504.40 断陷宽谷盆地 ZK15 巧家县炉房镇 110.00 95.14 构造溶蚀高山峡谷 ZK18 彝良县龙海镇 129.66 56.86 构造侵蚀中-高山 ZK22 彝良县海子镇 111.80 59.63 构造侵蚀中-高山 ZK26 彝良县奎香乡 168.80 53.00 构造侵蚀中-低山 ZK49 昭通市旧圃镇 150.10 58.42 构造侵蚀中-低山 ZK50 昭通市乐居乡 150.10 329.50 剥蚀低山丘陵台地 ZK57 昭通市小寨镇 151.23 230.37 剥蚀低山丘陵台地 ZK61 昭通市上高桥乡 120.10 474.11 剥蚀低山丘陵台地 表 3 玄武岩地层地下水化学类型
Table 3. Statistics of groundwater chemical types in basalt formations
数量(组) 重碳酸盐
(SO42-)钙(Ca2+) 29 13 - 钙镁(Ca2+·Mg2+) 1 - - 钠钙(Na+·Ca2+) 26 8 - 钠(Na+) - 12 1 表 4 玄武岩地层地下水质量分级
Table 4. Statistics of groundwater quality classification in basalt formations
测试内容 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 简分析 数量/组 14 26 13 3 3 占比/% 23.73 44.07 22.03 5.08 5.08 全分析 数量/组 - 20 6 3 2 占比/% 0.00 64.52 19.35 9.68 6.45 表 5 玄武岩主要岩石化学成分及矿物含量①
Table 5. Statistics of main petrochemical composition and mineral content of P3β
岩石名称 主要化学成分分析结果/% Al2O3 SiO2 Fe2O3 CaO MgO 含杏仁含斑玄武岩 13.13 50.17 4.79 8.94 3.31 含斑玄武岩 13.52 46.92 5.74 10.46 4.43 杏仁状含微斑玄武岩 13.61 50.68 4.98 6.38 3.66 杏仁状含斑玄武岩 12.94 48.59 5.76 7.77 4.76 致密状玄武岩 13.00 49.71 5.10 8.55 3.57 含微斑玄武岩 13.49 47.04 5.56 9.81 4.29 -
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