Zircon fission track(ZFT) age of the Longxianggai pluton in Dachang of Guangxi and its geological significance
广西大厂多金属矿田是世界级的特大型锡多金属矿床,是中国第二大产锡基地;笼箱盖岩体作为区内规模最大的岩体,与成矿有着密切关系。本文运用锆石裂变径迹测年方法制约多幕岩浆侵入活动时限,探讨其与成矿时空关系。研究表明,笼箱盖岩体的锆石裂变径迹年龄分布在160~70 Ma之间,并可划分为多个年龄组,分别为160~150 Ma、120~100 Ma和90~70 Ma,具有3期明显的次热历史,揭示笼箱盖岩体的形成经历了3期岩浆侵入活动。大厂多金属矿田的成矿与早白垩世(120~100 Ma)环太平洋板块俯冲影响下的岩石圈伸展期的花岗岩侵位事件相关。岩浆侵入活动不仅为成矿提供部分含锡多金属及对活化迁移成矿元素有利的挥发性气体的初始热流体,还为早期矿化的下部地层中成矿物质迁移、富集提供强大的热能和必要的物理化学条件。
Abstract:The Dachang polymetallic orefield in Guangxi is a world-class superlarge tin polymetallic deposit and the second largest tin production base in China.As the largest pluton in this area, Longxianggai pluton is closely related to mineralization.In this paper, zircon fission track dating method was used to restrict the time limit of multi-episode magmatic intrusion activity and explore its temporal and spatial relationship with mineralization.The results show that the zircon fission track ages of the Longxianggai pluton range from 160 Ma to 70 Ma, and can be divided into several age groups, i.e., 160~150 Ma, 120~100 Ma and 90~70 Ma, respectively.It obviously has three stages of thermal history, which reveals that the formation of Longxianggai pluton experienced three stages of magmatic intrusion.The metallogenesis of the Dachang polymetallic orefield was related to the granite emplacement during the lithospheric extension period under the influence of the subduction of the 120~100 Ma circum-Pacific plate in the Early Cretaceous(120~100 Ma).Magmatic intrusion activity not only provided the initial thermal fluid with some tin bearing polymetallic and volatile gases favorable for the activation and migration of ore-forming elements but also provided strong thermal energy and necessary physicochemical conditions for the migration and enrichment of ore-forming materials in the lower strata of early mineralization.
图 1 大厂矿区综合地质图[26]
Figure 1.
表 1 锆石裂变径迹结果
Table 1. Zircon fission track result
样号 岩性 颗粒数
(Ni)ρd /(105·cm-2)
/Ma±1σLXG-01 黑云母花岗岩 25 141.281(6444) 107.013(4881) 18.062(8055) 0 121±7 121±5 LXG-03 黑云母花岗岩 21 99.661(3566) 96.699(3460) 17.604(8055) 0 91±5 92±4 LXG-04 黑云母花岗岩 16 139.83(3615) 120.025(3103) 17.259(8055) 0 102±6 102 ±5 注:Ns为自发径迹数,Ni为诱发径迹数,Nd为标准铀玻璃的外探测器白云母记录的径迹数;ρs、ρi和ρd分别为与Ns、Ni和Nd相对应的径迹密度;n为径迹的条数,P(χ2)为χ2检验几率,锆石年龄运用ζ(Zeta)=90.9 ±2.8(yrcm2/tr)进行计算 -
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