Apatite fission track constraint on thrust faults in Kangtuo Basin, north-ern Tibet
Abstract:Four rock samples collected from the Kangtuo Basin in northern Tibetan Plateau were used to determine the apatite fission track ages. Results of all the samples show that the individual grains belong to a single population with a single mean age and have central ages of 77±6Ma, 62±5Ma, 44±3Ma and 35±2Ma. Their mean track lengths are 11.6±2.0~13.3±1.9μm with a single peak. The authors used thermal history simulation software AFTSolve to simulate the thermal history of the samples and the results show three important stages of tectonic movement in Kangtuo Basin since Late Mesozoic. From 100Ma to 65Ma, the cooling and denuda-tion rates were 1.46~4.26℃/Ma and 0.05~0.14mm/a respectively. Combined with field condition and study results, some conclu-sions have been reached:The Cretaceous tectonic uplift event was influenced by the subduction of the Yarlung Zangbo River. The second tectonic movement took place between 50Ma and 35Ma and its intensity was weaker than that of the first one. The Paleogene tectonic uplift event was related to Indo-Eurasian collision. Since 20Ma, the cooling and denudation rates have been 3.25~6.0℃/Ma and 0.03~0.2mm/a respectively, and this tectonic movement has been influenced by the Cenozoic whole uplifting and the stretching strike-slip environment in Tibet.
Key words:
- fission track /
- thrust fault /
- Kangtuo Basin /
- Gerze area in northern Tibet
图 2 康托盆地构造纲要图(据参考文献[20]修改)
Figure 2.
表 1 磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹分析结果
Table 1. The analytical results of apatite and zircon fission track
原样号 颗粒数/n ρs(105/cm2)/Ns ρi(105/cm2)/Ni ρd(105/cm2)/N P(χ2)/% 中心年龄/Ma(±1σ) 峰值年龄/Ma(±1σ) L(μm)/N(径迹长度 磷灰石 A-016-1 37 1.771 5.894 10.027 99.2 62±5 62±2 12.6±2(105) A-035-2 36 2.518 6.848 10.248 92.8 77±6 77±6 13.3±1.9(105) A-033-1 35 4.97 19.009 8.209 69.3 44±3 44±3 12.4±2.1(103) A-035-3 35 3.353 16.91 8.558 93.3 35±2 35±2 11.6±2.0(99) 原样号 颗粒数/n ρs(105/cm2)/Ns ρi(105/cm2)/Ni ρd(105/cm2)/N P(χ2)/% 中心年龄/Ma(±1σ) 峰值年龄/Ma(±1σ) 锆石 A-035-2 30 123.17 78.261 11.612 0 83±7 86±4 A-033-1 23 146.082 99.601 11.652 0 77±7 80±4 A-035-3 35 135.808 95.558 11.811 12.8 78±3 79±3 -
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