Methodology and thematic studies of geological mapping of intrusions
- 中酸性花岗岩体 /
- 中性-基性-超基性岩体 /
- 等级体制单位 /
- 岩浆系统 /
- 构造意义
Abstract:Geological mapping of intrusions in China has experienced different stages. Now, researchers should explore methods for medium-large scale mapping (1:50000~1:25000). Based on previous mapping experience, especially that obtained from the pilot mapping of cogenetic granitoids, magmatic mixing granitoid, and intermediate-mafic and ultramafic intrusions, this paper presents mapping methodology of intrusive rocks. No matter what kinds of petrogenesis they are, mapping of intrusions should establish different grades of mapping units, such as intrusive body-unit-suite-supersuite-supersuite association, probably responding to plutonbatholith-magmatic belt-huge magmatic belt respectively. Previously, pedigree unit mapping method was widely applied in congenetic granites. These intrusive body-unit-suite-supersuite result from evolution of one magmatic cycle. Mixing or mingling granitoid pluton can be divided into units by different mixing degrees and merging suites. Mapping of intermediate mafic-ultramafic rocks can also refer to the methods introduced above. The establishment of mapping units according to different grades of intrusive rocks are helpful to understanding the magma system and its constraints. Furthermore, intrusive rocks such as granitoids contain abundant geodynamic information, and hence it is necessary to launch thematic mapping and research.
表 1 花岗岩等侵入岩填图单位的划分方案及与岩石地层单位的对应关系(据参考文献[1]修改)
Table 1. Division programs of granite and other intrusive rock mapping units and their corresponding relationships with rock formation units
花岗岩等侵入岩不同级别填图单位 岩石地层单位 本文 花岗岩指南(1991)[1] 皮切尔、科宾(1972)(秘鲁海岸岩基) 贝特曼、道奇(1970)(内华达山脉岩基) 北美地层指南(1983) 苏联1:5万区调规范(1988) 可能对应实体 可能对应岩浆系统 正式单元 超序列组合
超序列(超岩套)巨型岩带 巨型岩浆系统 超群 超序列(超岩套) 超单元组合 岩基段 超岩套 侵入杂岩巨序列(巨岩套) 岩带(复式杂岩体) 岩浆系统 超群 序列(岩套)
(亚岩套)超单元 超单元 序列 岩套 侵入杂岩序列(岩套) 岩基(复式岩体) 岩浆子系统 群 单元 单元 单元 组 岩簇(或岩谱) 侵入组合群(杂岩组合)
侵入组合(系列)岩体 组 侵入体 (侵入体) 侵入杂岩(体)
侵入体(群体)岩体 段 非正式单位 侵入体 侵入体 不具等级意义单位 岩体-岩基-岩浆杂岩 侵入体 -
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