Pedigree mapping of cogenetic granitoids:A case study of Baoder Stone Forest granitic pluton in Erlian, Inner Mongolia
Abstract:Unit and superunit mapping has been popularized in China after the development of the cogenetic magma from the 1980s. However, more and more problems cropped out in the mapping practice with the development of the magma theory, and the early stage mapping method of "litholiogy plus epoch" was used again. Whether the application of pedigree mapping in the new stage geological mapping is suitable or not is worth discussing. The Baoder Stone Forest granitic pluton on the border area of Mongolia and China was selected to perform mapping. It is shown that the rock types in this pluton are complicated, including~160Ma coarsemiddle grained porphyritic hornblende biotite monzogranite and 140~124Ma middle-fine grained monzogranite. The rock types are similar, but there are differences in the intrusive ages and mineral structures of these monzogranites, and the main difference is the grain size. They formed in the same regional extensional background by the evolution of the cogenetic granitic magma. They can be divided into two sequences of the Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous, as well as five units. Pedigree mapping is still applicable and necessary for the cogenetic granitoids with similar ages and homologous origin, but it must be carefully used and do not expand to practical mapping of all granitoids.
Key words:
- congenetic granitoid /
- pedigree mapping /
- unit-superunit /
- mapping pilot /
- regional geological survey
表 1 花岗岩填图方法历史变化[1]
Table 1. Change of mapping method of granitoids
阶段 欧美 俄罗斯(前苏联) 中国 第一阶段
(20世纪50—70年代))岩性+时代 岩性+时代(岩相) 岩性+时代(岩相) 第二阶段
岩簇-岩套-超岩套侵入杂岩巨序列(巨岩套)-侵入杂岩序列(岩套)-侵入组合群(杂岩组合)-侵入体 单元-超单元-超单元组合侵入体 第三阶段
(20世纪90年代末—今)相对自由 标准不统一
多数回归岩性+时代岩性+时代 下一阶段
(讨论)单元-序列-超序列-超序列组合 -
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