Risk assessment of tunnel flood based on the weighting of index reliability measurement and set pair cloud
Abstract:Tunnel flood assessment is a nonlinear and complex system with uncertainty. Scientific and reasonable flood grading evaluation and corresponding prevention and treatment measures have become the primary problem to be solved in the construction and operation of karst tunnels. Firstly, aimed at the uncertainty, fuzziness and randomness of evaluation index parameters, the correlation between indexes by the multi-evidence correlation coefficient of Jousselme distance are analyzed in this study. The dynamic weighting theory of index reliability measurement based on Jousselme distance is also put forward. With the weighting method, the accurate weight of each index can be obtained according to the reliability classification of indexes. Thus, the dynamic weighting of the whole system by the measured values of different cases and indexes is realized, and the risk of deviation of evaluation results caused by the error or error of measured values of indexes in practice is reduced; thus, the robustness of the evaluation model will be enhanced.Secondly, based on the theory and idea of uncertain artificial intelligence, and with the combination of the eigenvalues in cloud theory and the set pair theory, the cloud theory to optimize the set pair connection degree is used to obtain risk assessment indexes of karst tunnel flood. The index cloud connection degree and index reliability measurement are weighted by the dynamic weighting method to obtain the degree of system comprehensive cloud connection, and the risk value is obtained by the expected weighted average of the grading evaluation interval. At the same time, the corresponding grade cloud map is generated to determine the flood grade of karst tunnel. Accordingly, the flood state of karst tunnel is determined, and the visualization of flood grade determination is realized.Thirdly, the karst tunnel flood occurs in a complex system composed of both the tunnel and the external environment; therefore, its risk assessment is affected by many factors, and the evaluation index system should be established in a comprehensive and concise way. From the perspective that atmospheric precipitation is the main source of flood in karst tunnel, five correlation indexes-annual precipitation, infiltration coefficient, catchment area, permeability coefficient and unit water inflow-are constructed as evaluation indexes of set pair cloud of karst tunnel flood in this study. On this basis, the grading standard of each evaluation index and its corresponding cloud map of flood grade are established. In order to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the set pair cloud model and its evaluation index system constructed based on the weighting of the index reliability measurement, the data of six typical karst tunnel samples for the model test is collected. Consistency between evaluation results and those of other methods proves the reliability and effectiveness of the model proposed in this study. Finally, this model has been applied to the flood accident of Pishuangao karst tunnel of Beijing-Zhuhai expressway, the results of which are also consistent with the actual situation of the project. At the same time, the treatment measures corresponding to Grade I have achieved effective flood control. The result shows that the set pair cloud model constructed in this study based on the weighting of the index reliability measurement takes into account the correlation between the evaluation indexes, the uncertainty of the evaluation system and the ambiguity of the evaluation index grade. The model can improve the accuracy of flood risk assessment in karst tunnels, and the evaluation process of this model is highly maneuverable. In fact, this model can provide a new method for rapid and effective analysis of flood in karst tunnels, and can also provide reference and guidance for the prediction and prevention of flood in karst tunnels in China.
Key words:
- index reliability measurement /
- tunnel flood /
- risk assessment /
- set pair cloud (SPC)
表 1 水害危险性等级表述及相应处治措施
Table 1. Risk grades of tunnel flood and its corresponding treatment
评价结果 危险值U [0,0.25) [0.25,0.5) [0.5,0.75) [0.75,1.0] 云模型SPC (0,0.107,0.01) (0.375,0.107,0.01) (0.625,0.107,0.01) (1,0.107,0.01) 危险性等级 危险性极大(Ⅰ) 危险性较大(Ⅱ) 危险性一般(Ⅲ) 危险性小(Ⅳ) 危险性描述 隧道出现衬砌结构破损、涌水涌泥事故,严重影响隧道安全及行车安全,急需加固处治 隧道出现严重渗漏水,影响隧道安全及行车安全,需要加固处治 隧道出现一般渗漏水 隧道几乎无渗漏水或渗漏水很少 加固处治措施 进行隧道专项检测,掌握隧道结构安全状态,采取封缝、衬砌背后注浆及岩洞回填封堵、植筋加固、地表注浆,并配以地表封堵引排与洞内引排等多种措施 进行隧道专项检测,保证隧道结构安全,并配以封缝、衬砌背后回填封堵及注浆、植筋加固等工程措施 需重点部位加强监控检测,并配以封缝等处治措施 无需加固,日常维护检修 表 2 隧道水害危险性评价指标分级表
Table 2. Index grades of risk assessment for tunnel flood
评价指标 评价等级 危险性极大(Ⅰ) 危险性较大(Ⅱ) 危险性一般(Ⅲ) 危险性小(Ⅳ) 年均降水量x1/mm >1 600 1 200~1 600 800~1 200 <800 入渗系数x2 >0.5 0.4~0.5 0.3~0.4 <0.3 汇水面积x3/km2 >7.5 5~7.5 2.5~5 <2.5 渗透系数x4/cm·s−1 >10−3 10−4~10−3 10−5~10−4 <10−5 单位涌水量x5/L·s−1·m−1 >5 1~5 0.1~1 <0.1 表 3 岩溶隧道样本及相应指标的测定值
Table 3. Measured values of sample indexes
名称评价指标 年均降雨量x1/mm 入渗系数x2 汇水面积x3/km2 渗透系数x4/cm·s−1 单位涌水量x5/L·s−1·m−1 1 岭头隧道 2 450 0.44 2.93 3×10−3 4.73 2 葡萄山隧道 2 200 0.43 3.57 7×10−2 4.39 3 马鹿箐隧道 892 0.51 4.89 4×10−4 4.53 4 竹林坪隧道 1 345 0.42 2.98 5×10−4 3.37 5 双峰隧道 956 0.32 1.57 2×10−6 0.70 6 太行山隧道 624 0.25 2.95 8×10−7 0.12 表 4 隧道样本各评价指标权值
Table 4. Weight coefficients of indexes of sample tunnels
样本编号 评价指标 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 1 0.184 0.165 0.102 0.292 0.256 2 0. 361 0.097 0.160 0.179 0.203 3 0.115 0.248 0.244 0.144 0.249 4 0.271 0.214 0.073 0.153 0.289 5 0.274 0.297 0.082 0.154 0.193 6 0.242 0.276 0.090 0.310 0.082 表 5 各样本隧道的指标云联系度、综合云联系度和评价结果
Table 5. Index cloud connection degree, comprehensive connection degree and evaluation results of sample tunnels
样本编号 指标云联系度 综合云联系度 危险值U 评价结果 是否发生
过水害本文 文献[11] 文献[12] 1 μ11=1+0i1+0i2+0j
μ15=0.623+0377i1+0i2+0jμ1=0.678+0.207i1+0.058i2+0.057j 0.170 I I I 是 2 μ21=0.992+0.008i1+0i2+0j
μ25=0.572+0.428i1+0i2+0jμ2=0.653+0.102i1+0.161i2+0.084j 0.223 I I I 是 3 μ31=0 +0.007i1+0.483i2+0.510j
μ35=0.593+0.407i1+0i2+0jμ3=0.423+0.335i1+0.170i2+0.072j 0.324 Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ 是 4 μ41=0.420+0.497i1+0.064i2+0.019j
μ45=0.434+0.566i1+0i2+0jμ3=0.346+0.510i1+0.096i2+0.048j 0.328 Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ 是 5 μ51=0 +0.021i1+0.582i2+0.397j
μ53=0+0 i1+0.155i2+0.845j
μ55=0.091+0.277i1+0.632i2+0jμ5=0.057+0.091i1+0.463i2+0.389j 0.713 Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 否 6 μ61=0.048+0i1+0.107i2+0.845j
μ65=0.043+0.139i1+0.306i2+0.512jμ6=0.242+0.094i1+0.124i2+0.540j 0.797 Ⅳ Ⅳ Ⅳ 否 -
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